
The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API provides universal data access from the Java programming language. Application developers can use the JDBC 3.0 API driver for RDM to write database applications and execute SQL statements.

The JDBC 3.0 API is comprised of two packages:

  1. the java.sql package
  2. the javax.sql package, which adds server-side capabilities

The RDM driver is a JDBC 4 Type V driver.

The RDM database management system uses the driver in one of two modes. As a:

  1. Type 4 (pure Java) implementation with database connectivity to rdm-tfs in local and distributed transactions. Just add the RDM jdbc jar to the classpath. When communicating directly with the database server in this mode utilize the connection URL as follows: "jdbc:raima;rdm://<hostname_or_ip>"
  2. Type 2 (native-API driver) with local transactions. Commonly referred to as RDM Direct Link configuration [link to TFS server configurations] . In this configuration add the jar and client side library (rdmjdbc-14.jar) to be operational. Connection via the Direct Link mode is as follows: "jdbc:raima:rdm://local"

More information on the connection URL and properties can be found at RDMDriver.connect().

Package java.sql

Supported Interfaces

Interface Summary    
Raima Class Implements Description
RDMBlob Blob The representation (mapping) in the Java™ programming language of an SQL BLOB value.
RDMCallableStatement CallableStatement The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures.
RDMClob Clob The mapping in the Java™ programming language for the SQL CLOB type.
RDMConnection Connection A connection (session) with a specific database.
RDMDatabaseMetaData DatabaseMetaData Comprehensive information about the database as a whole.
RDMDriver Driver The interface that every driver class must implement.
RDMNClob NClob The mapping in the Java™ programming language for the SQL NCLOB type.
RDMParameterMetaData ParameterMetaData An object that can be used to get information about the types and properties of the parameters in a PreparedStatement object.
RDMPreparedStatement PreparedStatement An object that represents a precompiled SQL statement.
RDMResultSet ResultSet A table of data representing a database result set, which is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database.
RDMResultSetMetaData ResultSetMetaData An object that can be used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
RDMSavepoint Savepoint The representation of a savepoint, which is a point within the current transaction that can be referenced from the Connection.rollback method.
RDMStatement Statement The object used for executing a static SQL statement and returning the results it produces.

Unsupported Interfaces

  • Array
  • Ref
  • RowId
  • SQLData
  • SQLOutput
  • Struct

Package javax.sql

Supported Interfaces

Interface Summary    
Raima Class Implements Description
RDMConnectionPoolDataSource ConnectionPoolDataSource A factory for PooledConnection objects.
RDMDataSource DataSource A factory for connections to the physical data source that this DataSource object represents.
RDMPooledConnection PooledConnection An object that provides hooks for connection pool management.

Unsupported Interfaces

  • ConnectionEventListener
  • RowSet
  • RowSetInternal
  • RowSetListener
  • RowSetMetaData
  • RowSetReader
  • RowSetWriter
  • StatementEventListener
  • XAConnection
  • XADataSource

Basic JDBC Application Steps

There are several steps you need to take in order to create a Java program using the JDBC API. JDBC is the Java extension of the SQL API and will show some similarities in program layout (Such as creating a handle, preparing and then executing each statements. Although these are referenced as objects or classes in Java). Refer to the example HelloWorldJDBC for reference. Some code snippets will be provided.

  1. Set up and initialize your application's use of the JDBC SQL API as follows.
    1. Using the DriverManager class, create your connection using the Raima connection URL and the following DriverManager method:

      Conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:raima:rdm://local");

      The string passed to the getConnection() method is a URL which designates which driver to use, how to get to the database, what database to connect to, and connection parameters. See RDMDriver.connect() for more information.

      *Note for better de-allocation practices, create a new try block after each object has been allocated. See full code for clarification.
    2. Create your Statement object by calling the following Connection method:

      Connection Conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:raima:rdm://local/<databasename>");
      Statement Stmt = Conn.createStatement();
  2. Next create a Statement, PreparedStatement, or CallableStatement. If you would like to use parametrized statements, use a PreparedStatement. A CallableStatement adds the ability to use named parameters.

    1. Create all needed PreparedStatement objects or a CallableStatement objects to prepare your application for execution by calling methods such as:

      PreparedStatement prepStmt = 
          Conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO hello_table (f00) VALUES (?)");


      CallableStatement callStmt = 
          Conn.prepareCall("INSERT INTO hello_table (f00) VALUES ( :infoName )");
    2. Call the setter methods to bind the parameters in your prepared statements, such as:

      prepStmt.setString(1, "Hello World!");


      callStmt.setString("infoName", "Hello World!");
  3. Once you have all the required parameters supplied call execute() to execute you a prepared (or callable) statement. If no parameters are needed a standard statement can be used.

    1. Call prepStmt.execute() method to execute all of your prepared statements. You can also use your Statement object to execute statements with no preparation. This was used above when you opened the database.

      ResultSet rs = Stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM hello_table");


      ResultSet rs = prepStmt.execute();


      ResultSet rs = callStmt.execute();
    2. Create a while loop checking for the next value in your result set to be null or your method returns false meaning no more data. This will traverse through your table after a SELECT statement has been performed and stored into a ResultSet. Inside of your loop call a getter method such as ResultSet.getString(1) to receive the data from your table in the current row.

      while (
          String name = rs.getString(1); // retrieve the first column as a string.
  4. When your application is ready to terminate there are several steps you must take to insure nothing is left behind.
    1. For every nested try block, you must have a finally block that closes the corresponding Object by performing the Class.close() method. For example :

      } finally {

      See complete code below for a more complete example

    2. The last try block must include a catch block to handle the SQLExceptions that could be thrown. For example:

      } catch (SQLException exception) {
          System.err.println("SQLException : "
              + exception.toString()); // Displays error to standard out

Hello World!

If the steps above are followed you should be able to access a simple database, store in some data and read the data back out. You can see an example of this in the common "Hello World!" example given below. The database schema for this sample is helloWorld.sdl.

import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Statement;/** * helloWorldJDBC: This example program shows the basic steps of creating * a JDBC application. This class performs the following.  Inserts data into  * the database, retrieves the data using a ResultSet object, which is then  * displayed out to the screen.This example uses the JNI connection URL. In order  * to use JDBC you must specify your connection URL as "jdbc:raima:rdm://localhost"  * instead of the JNI which is "jdbc:raima:rdm://local". The comments are javadoc * style for consistency. * @author Kevin Hooks * Date : 2-2-2012 */public class HelloWorld_JDBCTutorial_main {	/**	 * main: This method connects to the driver by using the connection URL     * through JNI (TCP/IP). The database is then opened and cleaned up.      * The string "Hello World!" is then inserted into the database. Every      * object is initialized to null so that it can be used inside of each     * block (try, catch, finally).     * @param args     * @throws SQLException      */    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {        // Connection object used for connecting to driver        Connection Conn = null;         // Statement object used for executing SQL Statements        Statement Stmt = null;        // Prepared Statement object used for preparing SQL Statements        PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;        // Result Set object used for storing queried values		ResultSet rs = null;        // The try block contains the main portion of the code. The code is contained        // inside here so that if it fails the exception will be caught inside the        // catch blocks.        try        {            // Connects to driver using connection URL and passed into Connection            // Object            Conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:raima:rdm://local");            // Creates the Statement object to be used for future SQL Statement            // executions            Stmt = Conn.createStatement();            // Opens database            Stmt.executeUpdate("USE \"hello_worldJDBC\"");            //Used to clear table if there is previous data            Stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM hello_table");            // Prepares the insert statement for execution            prepStmt = Conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO hello_table (f00) VALUES (?)");            // Performs a setter method for a string setting the value of the            // parameter above            prepStmt.setString(1, "Hello World!");            //Executes prepared Statement            prepStmt.execute();            // Commits all changes            Conn.commit();            // Executes a select statement and stores queried results in the result            // set            rs = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM hello_table");            // Loops through the result set, checking for when the next value is            // null. We only expect 1 iteration. The contents of helloString are            // then received from the getter method. The results are then printed            // to the screen            while ( != false)            {                String helloString = rs.getString(1);                System.out.println(helloString);            }        }		// The catch block is used to catch an exceptions that are thrown above and 		// display them to the screen. Currently the only type of exception we can		// expect would be a SQLException otherwise we would have to have another		// catch block for each possible exception         catch (SQLException exception)        {            System.err.println("An exception has occured : " + exception.toString());            System.exit (1);        }        // The finally block is used to execute after the try block has been        // performed. It is also executed if an exception is thrown, this way you        // can clean up any open objects without missing the .close() on a failure.        // Every object must be closed as you would a handle in ODBC.         finally        {            if (rs != null)            {                rs.close();            }            if (prepStmt != null)            {                prepStmt.close();            }            if (Stmt != null)            {                Stmt.close();            }            if (Conn != null)            {                Conn.close();            }        }    }}