Conditional Queries

While there are times when one needs to see all of the rows in a table, by far the more common situation is that only some rows of a table are needed. In order to restrict the rows to be returned by a SELECT statement you can specify a conditional expression in a SELECT statement WHERE clause which specifies that only those rows for which the conditional expression is true are to be retrieved. The syntax for the SELECT statement containing the WHERE clause is as follows.

		SELECT expression [alias_name] [, expression [alias_name] ]… FROM table_name
 			WHERE conditional_expr
          relational_expr [{ AND | OR} relational_expr]...

The LIKE operation can be used to perform simple pattern matching. SQL defines two pattern matching symbols. The "%" can be specified to match zero or more characters. The "?" can be specified to match any single character.

For example, most of the short biographical sketches (column short_bio) contained in the author table specifies the nationality of the author. Hence, for example, the following query will retrieve only those authors in which "English" is included somewhere in the short_bio column.

select full_name from author where short_bio like "%English%";

Austen, Jane
Bacon, Francis
Bronte, Charlotte
Bronte, Emily
Carroll, Lewis
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Conrad, Joseph
Defoe, Daniel
Dickens, Charles
Eliot, George
Hardy, Thomas
Hobbes, Thomas
Johnson, Samuel
Milton, John
Potter, Beatrix
Raleigh, Walter
Scott, Walter
Shakespeare, William
Tennyson, Alfred
Trollope, Anthony
Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
Woolf, Virginia

The next query returns those books that are priced over £100,000.

select bookid, price, title from book where price > 100000.00;
BOOKID                    PRICE TITLE
shakespeare01         175000.00 The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke.
shakespeare02         135000.00 Midsummer night's dream
shakespeare04         250000.00 Plays
shakespeare05         225000.00 Romeo and Juliet

Books that have not been sold have a null date_sold column value. Issue the following query to list all those books that have sold.

select bookid, date_sold, price, title from book where date_sold is not null;

alcott01    2010-05-04   1200.00 Moods
alcott04    2010-01-11   1250.00 Little men : life at Plumfield with Jo's boys
alcott05    2010-08-14    850.00 Eight cousins;
alcott06    2010-01-06    875.00 Rose in bloom. A sequel to 'Eight cousins.'
austen03    2009-10-28  13500.00 Mansfield Park: a novel. In three volumes.
bacon03     2010-04-01   5000.00 Sylva sylvarum. French
bacon04     2010-02-13   2500.00 History natural and experimental, of life and death.
burns01     2009-07-12   1250.00 Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect...
carlyle03   2009-12-13    995.00 Chartism.
wells04     2006-12-15   3000.00 The war of the worlds,
wells05     2010-01-02  25000.00 The first men in the moon, by H.G. Wells ...
wharton03   2009-03-20   3250.00 Crucial instances,
wharton05   2010-04-04   4000.00 The descent of man, and other stories
wharton08   2010-07-13   2500.00 Ethan Frome
wharton09   2008-12-20   2500.00 The age of innocence
wharton11   2007-08-08   1500.00 The buccaneers
wilde04     2007-12-23  22500.00 The ballad of Reading gaol.

Note that the following query does not return any rows even though you might think that it should.

select bookid, date_sold, title from book where date_sold != null;

SQL uses three-valued conditional results: a condition can be true, or false, or indeterminate. The processing details are too complicated to get into here but in order to do null value comparisons you must use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators.

The IN operator will return all rows in which the left hand expression evaluates to one of the values specified in the list as in the next example which lists those patrons from California and Washington.

select name, city, email from patron where state in ("CA","WA");

NAME                           CITY              EMAIL
William Gates, III             Redmond           [email protected]
Stephen Jobs                   Cupertino         [email protected]
Scrooge McDuck                 Anaheim           [email protected]
Richie Rich                    San Diego         [email protected]
Jed Clampett                   Beverly Hills     [email protected]
Lucille Bluth                  Newport Beach     [email protected]
Jean Luc Picard                San Francisco     [email protected]
Jeffrey Bezos                  Seattle           [email protected]

The BETWEEN operator returns those rows where the left hand expression inclusively evaluates to a value between the two values on the right.

select last_name, publ_year, title from book where publ_year between 1810 and 1820;

AustenJ            1813 Pride and prejudice: a novel ...
AustenJ            1813 Sense and sensibility: a novel.
AustenJ            1814 Mansfield Park: a novel. In three volumes.
AustenJ            1816 Emma: a novel. In three volumes.
CooperJ            1820 Precaution; a novel...
IrvingW            1814 Biographical memoir of Capt-David Porter.
ScottW             1810 The lady of the lake. A poem.
ScottW             1811 The vision of Don Roderick: a poem.
ScottW             1815 The field of Waterloo; a poem.