The following syntax shows the formats for TIME_TZ, and TIMESTAMP_TZ constants.
timestamp_tz : TIMESTAMP_TZ "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:SS[.dddd]][{+|-}HH:MM]"
The formats following the TIME_TZ, and TIMESTAMP_TZ keywords conform to the SQL standard. In the format for date constants,YYYY is the year (you must specify all four digits), MM is the month number (1 to 12), and DD is the day of the month (1 to 31). The @ symbol represents a nonstandard alternative. When only two digits are specified for the year using the nonstandard format (@), the century is assumed to be 1900 where YY is greater than or equal to 50; where YY is less than 50 in this format, the century is assumed to be 2000.
In the format for time constants, HH is hours (0 to 23), MM is minutes (0 to 59), SS is seconds (0 to 59), and .dddd is the fractional part of a second, with up to four decimal places of accuracy. If you specify more than four places, the value rounds to four places. The format for timestamp constants simply combines the formats for date and time constants.
set_time_format: SET TIME FORMAT [TO | =] "HH[:MM[:SS[:F[F[F[F]]]]]]"