Database Uniform Resource Identifier (db-uri)

The Database Uniform Resource Identifier (db-uri) is used to identify the database name, location and communication transport to be used when opening a database. The syntax for the naming convention is:

                [ db-uri ] database_name
Database Name Description
bookStore "bookStore" on default TFS using default transport.
tfs:///bookStore "bookStore" on default TFS using default transport.
tfs-tcp:// "bookStore" using TCP/IP with the default port number at hostname ""
tfs-shm://partition-01/bookStore "bookStore" using shared-memory to TFS named "partition-01"
tfs-tcp://[::1]:1530/bookStore "bookStore" using TCP/IP IPv6 using the loopback address on port 1530
tfs-tcp://[fe80::40da:bf3f:ae9f:fe87]:2000/bookStore "bookStore" using TCP/IP IPv6 to a specified machine on port 2000.
tfs-tcp:// "bookStore" using TCP/IP IPv4 to a specified machine on port 2000.

The "default" TFS behavior differs between the types of TFS instantiation targeted by the database open.

Defaults Based on TFS Type

db-uri TFS Type Behavior
bookStore embed Database will be opened on the embedded TFS
bookStore hybrid Database will be opened on the embedded TFS
bookStore remote Database will be opened on remote TFS running on the same machine
tfs:///bookStore embed Not Available
tfs:///bookStore hybrid Database will be opened on remote TFS running on the same machine
tfs:///bookStore remote Database will be opened on remote TFS running on the same machine