rdmtimestampapi.h File Reference
Header for the public timestamp API. More...
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Functions |
const char * | rdm_timestampDayAbr (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the day abbreviation. More... |
const char * | rdm_timestampDayName (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the day name. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampDayOfMonth (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the day of the month. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampDayOfWeek (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the day of the week. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampDayOfYear (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the day of the year. More... |
void | rdm_timestampDaysDiff (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T start, RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T end, uint32_t *diff) |
Get the difference between two timestamps. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_timestampFromString (const char *str, RDM_DATE_FORMAT date_fmt, RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T *ptv) |
Convert from a string to a timestamp. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampHour (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the hour of the day. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampMinute (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the minute of the hour. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampSecond (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the second of the minute. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampFraction (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the fractions of the second. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampMonth (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the day of the month. More... |
const char * | rdm_timestampMonthAbr (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the month abbreviation. More... |
const char * | rdm_timestampMonthName (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the month name. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_timestampNow (int16_t time_zone, RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T *ts) |
Get the current local timestamp. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_timestampNowAsString (int16_t time_zone, char *tsbuf, size_t buflen) |
Get the current local timestamp as string. More... |
double | rdm_timestampNowAsDouble (void) |
Get the current timestamp as a double. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampQuarter (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the quarter of the year. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_timestampToString (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T tmsv, RDM_DATE_FORMAT date_fmt, char date_sep, RDM_TIME_FORMAT time_fmt, char *buf, size_t bufSize, size_t *puSize) |
Convert a timestamp to a string. More... |
uint16_t | rdm_timestampWeek (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the week of the year. More... |
int32_t | rdm_timestampYear (RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T ts) |
Get the year. More... |
RDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T | rdm_timestampZero (void) |
Get the timestamp of the epoch. More... |
Detailed Description
Header for the public timestamp API.