Database Configuration Options

Options are defined using keys or properties. Every key has a name and a value, delimited by an equals sign (=). The key name appears to the left of the equals sign. Key names are not case-sensitive. Unless otherwise noted, values are not case-sensitive.

Key Value Description
api_encoding Specify string encoding for data retrieval.
timeout Specify default lock timeout in seconds.
time_zone Specify current time zone.
storage Specify database storage mode.
cache_size Specify cache size.
collate Specify database UTF8 collation.
error_format Specify error message format.
durability Specify database transaction safety level.
pack_write_chunk_size The abstract size of the transaction chunk written to the pack.
pack_file_size Specify pack file maximum size.
db_size Specify the maximum database size allocation.
vacuum_percentage Specify the vacuum trigger level for pack files.
vacuum_chunk_size Specify the vacuum write size for pack files.