
Hello World. Create & initialize database if not present. Create one record, read and print all records.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
* helloWorldJDBC: This example program shows the basic steps of creating
* a JDBC application. This class performs the following. Inserts data into
* the database, retrieves the data using a ResultSet object, which is then
* displayed out to the screen.This example uses the JNI connection URL. In order
* to use JDBC you must specify your connection URL as "jdbc:raima:rdm://localhost"
* instead of the JNI which is "jdbc:raima:rdm://local". The comments are javadoc
* style for consistency.
* @author Kevin Hooks
* Date : 2-2-2012
public class HelloWorldJDBC_main {
* main: This method connects to the driver by using the connection URL
* through JNI (TCP/IP). The database is then opened and cleaned up.
* The string "Hello World!" is then inserted into the database. Every
* object is initialized to null so that it can be used inside of each
* block (try, catch, finally).
* @param args
* @throws SQLException
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
// Connection object used for connecting to driver
Connection Conn = null;
// Statement object used for executing SQL Statements
Statement Stmt = null;
// Prepared Statement object used for preparing SQL Statements
PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
// Result Set object used for storing queried values
ResultSet rs = null;
// The try block contains the main portion of the code. The code is contained
// inside here so that if it fails the exception will be caught inside the
// catch blocks.
// Connects to driver using connection URL and passed into Connection
// Object
Conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:raima:rdm://local");
// Creates the Statement object to be used for future SQL Statement
// executions
Stmt = Conn.createStatement();
// Opens database
Stmt.executeUpdate("USE \"hello_worldJDBC\"");
//Used to clear table if there is previous data
Stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM hello_table");
// Prepares the insert statement for execution
prepStmt = Conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO hello_table (f00) VALUES (?)");
// Performs a setter method for a string setting the value of the
// parameter above
prepStmt.setString(1, "Hello World!");
//Executes prepared Statement
// Commits all changes
// Executes a select statement and stores queried results in the result
// set
rs = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM hello_table");
// Loops through the result set, checking for when the next value is
// null. We only expect 1 iteration. The contents of helloString are
// then received from the getter method. The results are then printed
// to the screen
while (rs.next() != false)
String helloString = rs.getString(1);
// The catch block is used to catch an exceptions that are thrown above and
// display them to the screen. Currently the only type of exception we can
// expect would be a SQLException otherwise we would have to have another
// catch block for each possible exception
catch (SQLException exception)
System.err.println("An exception has occured : " + exception.toString());
System.exit (1);
// The finally block is used to execute after the try block has been
// performed. It is also executed if an exception is thrown, this way you
// can clean up any open objects without missing the .close() on a failure.
// Every object must be closed as you would a handle in ODBC.
if (rs != null)
if (prepStmt != null)
if (Stmt != null)
if (Conn != null)