
Database creation tool


rdm-create [OPTION]... dbname[.sdl|.cat]


rdm-create is a command-line utility that creates an RDM database from a database definition file (.sdl) or a compiled catalog file (.cat). The database will not be populated with data. Only the catalog file will be generated.

The database will be created in the default Database Storage Location directory. A command-line option ('--output') is provided to allow the database to be created with a different base name or on a remote TFServer


-h, --help Display this usage information
--version Display the version information
-q, --quiet Quiet mode. No information will be displayed
--key=key Specify the encryption key for the database ([algorithm:]passcode). The valid algorithms are xor, aes128, aes192 and aes256. The AES algorithms are only available for packages that have strong encryption support. If an algorithm is not specified, the default is aes128 for strong encryption packages and xor otherwise.
--docroot=path The location of the docroot directory. (See Database Storage Location)
-f, --force Overwrite an existing database
-o, --output=db-uri The database to be created. A db-uri without a database base name implies the dbname specified for the input file.
dbname[.sdl | .cat] Name of database definition file (.sdl) or RDM database catalog file (.cat)

Usage Examples

The usage examples assume that bookshop.sdl contains the following table definition:

    last_name CHAR(13) PRIMARY KEY,
    full_name CHAR(25),
    gender CHAR(1),
    yr_born SMALLINT,
    yr_died SMALLINT,
    short_bio VARCHAR(216),
    KEY yob_gender_key(yr_born, gender)

Creating an RDM database

You can run rdm-create to create an RDM database from a database definition file.

$ rdm-create bookshop.sdl

An RDM database, bookshop, will be created as the result. The database consists of its own directory named bookshop.rdm in which the internal database files will be stored.

To create a database named 'myBookshop' on a remote TFS named 'myRemote':

$ rdm-create --output=tfs://myRemote/myBookshop bookshop.sdl