Integer Types

Numeric types consist of one, two, four, and eight-byte integers.

Data Type Size Size (Not Null) Synonyms Min Value Max Value
TINYINT 2 bytes 1 byte INT8 -128 127
UNSIGNED TINYINT 2 bytes 1 byte UINT8 0 255
SMALLINT 3 bytes 2 bytes INT16 -32768 32767
UNSIGNED SMALLINT 3 bytes 2 bytes UINT16 0 65535
INTEGER 5 bytes 4 bytes INT, INT32 -2147483648 2147483647
UNSIGNED INTEGER 5 bytes 4 bytes UINT32 0 4294967295
BIGINT 9 bytes 8 bytes INT64 -263 (263) - 1
UNSIGNED BIGINT 9 bytes 8 bytes UINT64 0 (264) - 1

The 'size' above represents the in-memory size of the column. The on-disk storage of integer types always use a compressed format based on the value of the column being stored. This means that a 64 bit integer column with a value of '1' and a 8 bit integer column with a value of '1' will occupy the same amount of disk space.

The types TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER (or INT), and BIGINT store whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional components, of various ranges. Attempts to store values outside of the allowed range will result in a "value out of range" error.

These types are, by default, unsigned integers. Adding the UNSIGNED directive before the type will create an unsigned integer column.

To declare an integer type column, use the following syntax:


defines a 32 bit signed integer column. And,


defines a 16 bit unsigned integer column.

Numeric types can be included in an ARRAY. See Arrays.

See Also

NULL Values

