
ODBC Driver Manager Installation Utility


rdm-regodbc [OPTIONS]... [dll-path] 


rdm-regodbc is a command line utility that installs the RaimaDB ODBC Driver Manager and creates a ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). The utility can also be used to remove Data Source names.

Since the operation requires an elevated process privilege, rdm-regodbc must be executed as an administrative process.

By default, rdm-regodbc registers the Data Source as a "User DSN". Specify the "--system" option to register it as a "System DSN." A file DSN that points to the appropriate DSN entry will be created in either case.

The dll-path argument is required when the utility is run to register the DSN. The argument MUST NOT be present when the utility is run with the "--remove" option to remove an existing DSN.


Short options can be combined into one string starting with a single '-'. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Long option arguments can also be specified in a separate argument.

rdm-regodbc supports the following command line options:

-h, --help Display this usage information
--version Display the version information
-q, --quiet Quiet mode. No information will be displayed
--database=db-uri Database to associate with this DSN
-f, --force Overwrite an existing DSN
--name=dsn-name Name of the Data Source. If this option is not specified, the default is "RaimaDB."
--remove Remove an existing DSN.
--system Add Data Source as a system DSN
--uninstall-driver Uninstall the RDM ODBC driver
dll-path Path to the RaimaDB ODBC Driver DLL file.