
Transactional File Server


rdm-tfs [OPTIONS]... [input_file [arg]... ]


rdm-tfs is a command-line utility to run the Transactional File Server. A TFS is needed for RaimaDB databases. The TFS can either be built into an application or it can be run separately through this utility. This utility may be cleanly terminated by issuing SIGTERM Issuing SIGINT will terminate the utility immediately.

The Transactional File Server (TFS) utility instantiates a TFS that can be accessed by one or more remote clients using either TCP/IP protocol or shared-memory protocol. If both are enabled, they can be used simultaneously by different client sessions. rdm-tfs may run on the same computer as a runtime, or on a different computer, provided the different computer's domain name is visible to the runtime through TCP/IP.

rdm-tfs may be installed as a Windows service, or started as a daemon process. To determine if rdm-tfs is already running, use the --query option (the --query option will work whether rdm-tfs has been started in the foreground or background).

On Windows, you may install rdm-tfs as a service that will run automatically by using the --install option. The PATH must list the fully qualified path to the rdm-tfs utility, or to the directory in which it resides. All required DLLs must reside either in the same directory as rdm-tfs. This option requires administrative privilege. To stop/start the rdm-tfs service, use the Windows service control manager.

When this utility is run as a foreground process, it may be cleanly terminated by issuing SIGTERM.

-h, --help Display this usage information
--version Display the version information
-q, --quiet Quiet mode. No information will be displayed
--docroot=path Document root to use instead of the current working directory. The environment variable RDM_DOCROOT can also be used. (See Document Root (docroot))
--listen=interface Enable the listener on a given interface ('--listen=none', '--listen=tcp', '--listen=shm', or '--listen=all'). The default is 'all'.
--service=service Enable one or more services. Supported values are: 'all', 'none', 'rdm', 'sql' and 'rest'. Multiple values can be specified with a comma (e.g. --service=rdm,sql). The default is 'all'.
-n, --name=name Specifies the server port (TCP/IP) or name (non-TCP-IP) for connections. The default port is "21553" and the default name is "21553". If a number is specified, it will be used for the TCP/IP port and the server name. If a string or invalid port number is specified, it will be used as the server name, and the TCP/IP transport will not be initialized.
--start Start the server as background process (UNIX only)
--stop Stop the server
--query Query the execution status of the server
--logfile=name Log output to the specified log file
--log-category=category Set the log category (this can be specified more than once for multiple categories) - the default is all)
--log-level=level Set the log level ('--log-level=all', '--log-level=error', '--log-level=warning', '--log-level=info', '--log-level=mesg', or a number (5-99)) - the default is '99')
--err-level=level Set the error level (all, error, warning, info, mesg,or a number (5-99)) - the default is info)
--force-ssl Force listener to accept only SSL connections
--certificate=buffer Use the certificate stored in this buffer
--certificate-file=file_name Use the certificate stored in this file_name
--private-key=buffer Use the SSL private key stored in this buffer
--private-key-file=file_name Use the SSL private key stored in this file_name


Option Description
--install=exepath Install the server as a service with the specified executable path
--uninstall Uninstall the executable as a service
--serviceuser=user User account to install server as service (only valid with --install option)
--servicepw=password User account password to install server as service (only valid with --install option)

Short options can be combined into one string starting with a single '-'. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Long option arguments can also be specified in a separate argument.

See Also

Introduction to the TFS

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Encryption