Using CMake on Linux/macOS/UNIX

$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" /opt/Raima/rdm-<package>-16.0/

Minimum Requirements

The following list is an example of additional packages that need to be installed on a default Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop machine in order to build the examples:

gcc   GNU C compiler
g++   GNU C++ compiler
make   Utility for directing compilation
default-jdk   Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (Required for RaimaDB Enterprise package only)

Setting up an Environment

  1. Create a directory to build an example. For this demonstration, we are creating the "mybuild" directory and changing into that directory.
  2. Use CMake to create the "makefiles" used to build the example. This demonstration below is building the "core02Example":
  3. If all of the required components are available, the process will create necessary makefiles. The command, "cmake --build .", will build the example program.
  4. The example can be executed using the "ctest" utility:

The steps above can be repeated for each example that you wish to build and execute. Always make sure to begin the process by creating a new directory for each example to be built and executed.

The list of available examples can be found in the Examples & Tutorials list or by investigating the <installdir>/share/RDM/GettingStarted directory on your disk.