VxWorks Source Build (VSB)

A VxWorks Source Build (VSB) project is a project that creates the components and libraries needed to build the VxWorks real-time embedded operating system (RTOS). The VSB project modifies and recompiles the VxWorks source code libraries, which are then made available to a VxWorks Image Project (VIP). The VIP uses a board-specific configuration to create a kernel image that runs on one or more target systems.

Included in the installation package is a script to create the VSB used to build the RaimaDB libraries for VxWorks. This setup script is located in the <RaimaDB Install Root>/share/RDM/<targetname> directory. For example, on a Linux host with RaimaDB installed in the default directory, the setup.sh script for a VxWorks simulator will be located in the following directory:


The following steps will demonstrate building the VSB for a Windows VxWorks simulator. The steps are identical for each of the VSBs provided in the RaimaDB installation package.

Building the VSB only needs to be done once for the Wind River development environment, especially if is stored outside your workspace. It only needs to be regenerated if modifications are made to the VSB configuration.


Prerequisite Steps

It assumed that the Wind River VxWorks 7 version 23.03 (or whatever version the current RaimaDB installer package supports).

Step 1 - Start the Wind River Environment

The first step before compiling a VxWorks Kernel or compiling RaimaDB for VxWorks is to set up a VxWorks Source Build (VSB). In a terminal window or command shell, set up the VxWorks environment as follows, where {WindRiver} is the location of the VxWorks 7 host installation:

$ {WindRiver}/wrenv.sh -p vxworks/23.03

Or, on Windows:

$ {WindRiver}/wrenv.exe -p vxworks/23.03

Step 2 - Select the RaimaDB Target

Once the Wind River VxWorks environment shell is ready, change to the <RaimaDB Install Root>/share/RDM/<targetname> directory for the VxWorks target you wish to use. For example, the following selects the simulator for Windows:

$ cd C:\Raima\rdm_enterprise-16.0\share\RDM\vxworks-x86_64_simwindows

This directory will include a setup.sh file.

Step 3 - Build the VSB

The following setup.sh command will build a VSB that can be used to build a DKM application using RaimaDB for the VxWorks simulator for Windows. The default location for the generated VSB will be in the path designated by the WIND_PREBUILT_PATHS environment variable.

Make sure you have "write" permissions for this directory OR modify the setup.sh script to write to an alternate location.

$ sh ./setup.sh --vsb

Additional Notes

For most targets, there are no differences in the VSB setup for DKM or RTP application targets. For example, the setup.sh script for vxworks-fsl_imx6 and the vxworks-rtp-fsl_imx6 targets are identical and only one setup.sh needs to be run.

The setup.sh script provided DOES NOT need be executed to create the VSB. A modified version of the VSB can generated manually as long as it contains the configurations needed to run the associated RaimaDB libraries.

Additional CPU targets and configurations can be provided on demand. Contact [email protected] for more information.