
Enables or disables the column list in the SQL INSERT statement in the export file.

The column list is not necessary for the INSERT statement if the order of the columns in the table matches the order of the elements following the VALUES keyword in the INSERT statement. If this is known to be true, the nocolumnlist option can be used to reduce the size of the output file.

For example, an optString set to "type=sql" will create the following statements from the example BOOKSHOP database:

-- Exporting table [ACCTMGR]...
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'ALFRED', 'Kralik, Alfred', '1997-07-02', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'AMY', 'Zonn, Amy', '1994-07-06', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'BARNEY', 'Noble, Barney', '1972-05-08', 0.035;
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'FRANK', 'Doel, Frank', '1987-02-13', 0.030;
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'JOE', 'Fox, Joe', '1998-12-18', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'KATE', 'Kelly, Kathleen', '1998-12-18', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr (MGRID, NAME, HIRE_DATE, COMMISSION) VALUES 'KLARA', 'Novac, Klara', '1990-01-02', 0.025;

If the optString is set to "type=sql;nocolumnlist=true", the following statements will be created in the export file instead:

-- Exporting table [ACCTMGR]...
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'ALFRED', 'Kralik, Alfred', '1997-07-02', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'AMY', 'Zonn, Amy', '1994-07-06', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'BARNEY', 'Noble, Barney', '1972-05-08', 0.035;
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'FRANK', 'Doel, Frank', '1987-02-13', 0.030;
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'JOE', 'Fox, Joe', '1998-12-18', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'KATE', 'Kelly, Kathleen', '1998-12-18', 0.025;
INSERT INTO acctmgr VALUES 'KLARA', 'Novac, Klara', '1990-01-02', 0.025;
This option is only applicable for SQL export types.
Default Value
If the nocolumnlist option is not defined, the default value of OFF is used.
Boolean Values Accepted

The following values can be accepted boolean values:

TRUE Values FALSE Values
1 0
On Off
True False
String values above are not case-sensitive.