
Specify the type of export to be performed:

Value Default Filename Description
xml <dbname>_<tablename>.xml Export into XML files
csv <dbname>_<tablename>.csv Export into comma-separated (CSV) files
sql <dbname>.sql Export into SQL INSERT statement script
cat <dbname>.cat Export the schema definition into a catalog file
stats <dbname>_stats.json Export the statistics if available
The output file name can be set using the output option. For example, the following option string will select an XML export to file name other than the default. "type=XML;output=myFileName;force=True"
The export output files will be text files in UTF-8 format.
XML Export Comments

For XML exports, the rdm_dbExport() API writes all data from each table of the database to a separate XML file. The default file name for each file will be defined as: dbname_tablename.xml. By exporting data using XML format, consumers of the data can be RaimaDB (e.g. for database archiving) or other XML consumers, including other database products. The XML content created by the rdm_dbExport() API will allow reconstruction of sets (in the case of RaimaDB as the consumer) or interpretation by any normal XML consumer.

If a table option is used to extract a specific table name, only the one XML file for that table's rows are exported.

CVS Export Comments

For CSV export, the rdm_dbExport() API writes all data from each table of the database to a separate CVS file. The default file name for each file will be defined as: <dbname&gt_<tablename>.csv.

If a table option is used to extract a specific table name, only the one CSV file for that table's rows are exported.

The created files will consist of one text line per row occurrence with a comma separator character separating the columns.

SQL Export Comments

For SQL exports, the contents will be exported into one file that will include, by default, the schema, trigger definitions and individual SQL INSERT statements for all the data in the database.

If a table option is used to extract a specific table name, only the rows from that table will be exported. All the other components, such as the schema and triggers, will be exported in whole.

CAT Export Comments

The CAT export will export the compiled catalog in a JSON format. This is the same catalog that would be generated by the rdm-compile command being run against the schema definition file.

STATS Export Comments

If an UPDATE STATISTICS command has been executed on the database, the collected statistics are stored in the catalog and can be extracted to a JSON file. Statistics are used to optimize SQL query access so that queries use the most efficient access method to find the data requested by the query. See Optimizer section for more information.

Default Value
If the type option is not defined, the default value of SQL is used.
See also