rdmcursorapi.h File Reference
Header for the RaimaDB Cursor APIs. More...
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Functions |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorAddMember (RDM_CURSOR setCursor, RDM_CURSOR memberCursor) |
Add a row to a set cursor (link) More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorClose (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Close an RDM_CURSOR. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorComparePosition (RDM_CURSOR cursorPrimary, RDM_CURSOR cursorSecondary, RDM_CURSOR_COMPARE *comparison) |
compare the position of a cursor relative to another cursor More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorDeleteRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Delete a row from a table. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorFree (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Free an RDM_CURSOR. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetBlobSize (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t *size) |
Get the current size of a blob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetClobSize (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t *numCharacters) |
Get the current size of a clob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetClone (RDM_CURSOR sourceCursor, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR as a clone of an existing RDM_CURSOR. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetCount (RDM_CURSOR cursor, uint64_t *count) |
Get the row count for a cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetDatabase (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_DB *pDb) |
Get the RDM_DB handle associated with a cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetLockStatus (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_LOCK_STATUS *status) |
Get the lock status of a table. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetMemberCount (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, uint64_t *memberCount) |
Get the member count for a set owner row. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetMemberRows (RDM_CURSOR ownerCursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with members. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetOwnerRow (RDM_CURSOR memberCursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with a set owner. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetOwnerRowId (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_ROWID_T *rowid) |
Get the rowid of a set owner. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetOwnerTableId (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_TABLE_ID *tableId) |
Get the table id for the refId owner for the current row of a cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetRowId (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_ROWID_T *rowid) |
Get the rowid for the current row of the cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetRowsAtPosition (RDM_CURSOR sourceCursor, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with rows from a table ordered by rowid and positioned to the same row as the source cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetRowsByKeyAtPosition (RDM_CURSOR sourceCursor, RDM_KEY_ID keyId, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with a row set based on a key and positioned to the same row as the source cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetRowsInReverseOrder (RDM_CURSOR sourceCursor, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR as a copy of an existing RDM_CURSOR with the rows in reverse order. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetSelf (RDM_CURSOR sourceCursor, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with the current row of the sourceCursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetSiblingRows (RDM_CURSOR memberCursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with siblings. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetSiblingRowsAtPosition (RDM_CURSOR memberCursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor) |
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with siblings. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetStatus (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_CURSOR_STATUS *position) |
Check a cursor for special conditions. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetTableId (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_TABLE_ID *tableId) |
Get the table id for the current row of the cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetType (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_CURSOR_TYPE *type) |
Get the cursor type. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorHasMembers (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, bool *hasMembers) |
Check to see if a row has members for the specified set. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorHasOwner (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, bool *hasOwner) |
Check to see if a row is a member for the specified set. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorIsAfterLast (RDM_CURSOR cursor, bool *isAfterLast) |
Check to see if a cursor is positioned after the last row in a collection. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorIsBeforeFirst (RDM_CURSOR cursor, bool *isBeforeFirst) |
Check to see if a cursor is positioned before the first row in a collection. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorLinkRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_CURSOR cursorOwner) |
Link a row to an owner. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToAfterLast (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Position a cursor to the AfterLast position. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToBeforeFirst (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Position a cursor to the BeforeFirst position. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToFirst (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Position a cursor to the first row in the collection. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToKey (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_KEY_ID keyId, const void *keyValue, size_t bytesIn) |
Position a cursor based on a key value. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToLast (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Position a cursor to the last row in the collection. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToNext (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Position a cursor to the next row in the collection. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToPosition (RDM_CURSOR cursor1, RDM_CURSOR cursor2) |
Position a cursor based on the currow row of another cursor. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToPrevious (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Position a cursor to the previous row in the collection. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToRowId (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_ROWID_T rowid) |
Position a cursor based on a rowid. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorMoveToSearchKey (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_KEY_ID keyId, const RDM_SEARCH_KEY *keyValue) |
Position a cursor based on a key value. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorReadBlob (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t offset, void *value, size_t bytesIn, size_t *bytesOut) |
Read data from a blob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorReadClob (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t offset, char *value, size_t bytesIn, size_t *bytesOut, size_t *charactersOut) |
Read data from a clob column as UTF-8. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorReadColumn (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, void *columnValue, size_t bytesIn, size_t *bytesOut) |
Read a single column from a table row. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorReadColumnIntoString (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, char *columnValue, size_t inBytes, size_t *bytesOut) |
Read and convert a single column to a string. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorReadKey (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_KEY_ID keyId, void *keyValue, size_t bytesIn, size_t *bytesOut) |
Read the columns for a key from a table row. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorReadRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor, void *colValues, size_t bytesIn, size_t *bytesOut) |
Read all columns from a row. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorGetRowPtr (RDM_CURSOR rdmCursor, const void **pRowValue) |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorRelinkRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId, RDM_CURSOR cursorOwner) |
Unlink a row from one owner and link to another. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorRemoveMember (RDM_CURSOR setCursor) |
Remove a row from a set cursor (unlink) More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorSetBlobSize (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t size) |
Set the size of a blob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorSetClobSize (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t size) |
Set the size of a clob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUnlinkAndDeleteRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor) |
Unlink a row from all sets and delete it. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUnlinkRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_REF_ID refId) |
Unlink a row from its owner. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUpdateBlob (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t offset, const void *value, size_t bytesIn) |
Update a blob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUpdateClob (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, uint64_t offset, const char *value, size_t charactersIn) |
Update a clob column. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUpdateColumn (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, const void *columnValue, size_t bytesIn) |
Update a single column in a row. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUpdateColumnByString (RDM_CURSOR cursor, RDM_COLUMN_ID columnId, const char *columnValue, size_t bytesIn) |
Update a single column in a row from a string. More... |
RDM_RETCODE | rdm_cursorUpdateRow (RDM_CURSOR cursor, const void *colValues, size_t bytesIn) |
Update all columns in a row. More... |
Detailed Description
Header for the RaimaDB Cursor APIs.
Raima Database Manager
Copyright (c) 2017 Raima Inc., All rights reserved.
Use of this software, whether in source code format, or in executable, binary object code form, is governed by the Raima LICENSE which is fully described in the LICENSE.TXT file, included within this
distribution of files.
Function Documentation
RDM_RETCODE rdm_cursorGetRowPtr | ( | RDM_CURSOR | rdmCursor, |
const void ** | pRowValue | ||
) |
- Parameters
[in] rdmCursor The cursor to read data from [in] pRowValue A pointer to the buffer where row values will be read