▼NRDM | The RDM Namespace |
▼NTIME_SERIES | The RDM Time Series Namespace |
Carithmetic_mean | Template Class for doing an arithmetic mean |
Ccollect | Template Class for collecting data values into ranges |
Ccustom | Template Class for doing custom operations |
Cdead_end | Template Class for ignoring |
Cdownsample | Template Class for downsampling |
Cfft | Template base Class for doing FFTs |
Cfft_abs | Template Class for doing an FFT with absoulte values |
Cfft_abs_positive | Template Class for doing an FFT with absoulte value of the positive frequencies |
Cfft_rdm | Template Class for doing an FFT using the RDM FFT implementation |
Cgeometric_mean | Template Class for doing an arithmetic mean |
Charmonic_mean | Template Class for doing a harmonic mean |
Cinsert_row | Template Class for inserting a row |
Cmean | Template Class for doing an arithmetic mean |
Crestore_aggregate | Template class for restoring an aggregate classe |
Cscale | Template Class for scaling |
Csplit | Template Class for doing a split |
Csplit3 | Template Class for doing a 3-way split |
Csplit4 | Template Class for doing a 4-way split |
Csplit5 | Template Class for doing a 5-way split |
Cstat | Template Class for doing statistics |
Ctransaction | Template Class for doing transactions |
▼NRDM_CPP | The RDM C++ Namespace |
CCursor | The Cursor base class |
CDb | The Db base class |
Crdm_exception | Rdm_exception class This class implements the exception thrown by the RDM CPP API |
CTFS | The TFS class This class provides the TFS implementation |
CTransaction | The Transaction class This class provides the Transaction implementation |
CRDM_BCD_T | The RDM Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) data structure |
CRDM_CMDLINE | The buffer used by the command line parser to hold state information |
CRDM_CMDLINE_OPT | Generic usage function option record |
CRDM_DATE_T | The RDM Date data structure |
CRDM_FFT | An FFT object |
CRDM_FFT_DATA | Data point for FFT |
CRDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_T | The RDM packed Timestamp data structure |
CRDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMPTZ_T | The RDM packed Timestamp with time zone data structure |
CRDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T | The RDM packed Time with time zone data structure |
CRDM_RANGE_KEY | The RDM Range Key data structure |
CRDM_ROW_STATUS_INFO | RDM Rows status info |
CRDM_RTREE_KEY | The RDM R-tree Key data structure |
CRDM_SEARCH_KEY | The RDM Partial Key data structure |
CRDM_TIME_T | The RDM Time data structure |
CRDM_TIMESTAMP_T | The RDM Timestamp data structure |
CRDM_TIMESTAMPTZ_T | The RDM Timestamp data structure |
CRDM_TIMETZ_T | The RDM Time w/ timezone data structure |
CRDM_UUID_FACTORY_T | The RDM UUID factory data structure |
CRDM_UUID_T | The RDM UUID data structure |