Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NRDMThe RDM Namespace
 NTIME_SERIESThe RDM Time Series Namespace
 Carithmetic_meanTemplate Class for doing an arithmetic mean
 CcollectTemplate Class for collecting data values into ranges
 CcustomTemplate Class for doing custom operations
 Cdead_endTemplate Class for ignoring
 CdownsampleTemplate Class for downsampling
 CfftTemplate base Class for doing FFTs
 Cfft_absTemplate Class for doing an FFT with absoulte values
 Cfft_abs_positiveTemplate Class for doing an FFT with absoulte value of the positive frequencies
 Cfft_rdmTemplate Class for doing an FFT using the RDM FFT implementation
 Cgeometric_meanTemplate Class for doing an arithmetic mean
 Charmonic_meanTemplate Class for doing a harmonic mean
 Cinsert_rowTemplate Class for inserting a row
 CmeanTemplate Class for doing an arithmetic mean
 Crestore_aggregateTemplate class for restoring an aggregate classe
 CscaleTemplate Class for scaling
 CsplitTemplate Class for doing a split
 Csplit3Template Class for doing a 3-way split
 Csplit4Template Class for doing a 4-way split
 Csplit5Template Class for doing a 5-way split
 CstatTemplate Class for doing statistics
 CtransactionTemplate Class for doing transactions
 NRDM_CPPThe RDM C++ Namespace
 CCursorThe Cursor base class
 CDbThe Db base class
 Crdm_exceptionRdm_exception class This class implements the exception thrown by the RDM CPP API
 CTFSThe TFS class This class provides the TFS implementation
 CTransactionThe Transaction class This class provides the Transaction implementation
 CRDM_BCD_TThe RDM Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) data structure
 CRDM_CMDLINEThe buffer used by the command line parser to hold state information
 CRDM_CMDLINE_OPTGeneric usage function option record
 CRDM_DATE_TThe RDM Date data structure
 CRDM_FFTAn FFT object
 CRDM_FFT_DATAData point for FFT
 CRDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMP_TThe RDM packed Timestamp data structure
 CRDM_PACKED_TIMESTAMPTZ_TThe RDM packed Timestamp with time zone data structure
 CRDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_TThe RDM packed Time with time zone data structure
 CRDM_RANGE_KEYThe RDM Range Key data structure
 CRDM_RTREE_KEYThe RDM R-tree Key data structure
 CRDM_SEARCH_KEYThe RDM Partial Key data structure
 CRDM_TIME_TThe RDM Time data structure
 CRDM_TIMESTAMP_TThe RDM Timestamp data structure
 CRDM_TIMESTAMPTZ_TThe RDM Timestamp data structure
 CRDM_TIMETZ_TThe RDM Time w/ timezone data structure
 CRDM_UUID_FACTORY_TThe RDM UUID factory data structure
 CRDM_UUID_TThe RDM UUID data structure