TFS Configuration Options

Options are defined using keys or properties. Every key has a name and a value, delimited by an equals sign (=). The key name appears to the left of the equals sign. Key names are not case-sensitive. Unless otherwise noted, values are not case-sensitive.

Key Value Description
tfstype Specify the type of TFS to be used.
docroot Specify the Document Root directory.
logfilelevel The log severity to use when writing to logfile.
logerrlevel The log severity to use when writing to stderr.
logcategory The log categories to use.
logfile Log File Spec
listen Enable the listener for remote TFS connections.
readonly Read-only mode for TFS.
sharedmem Enable shared memory communication protocol.
tcp Enable TCP/IP communication protocol.
name Specify TCP/IP port or shared memory protocol name.
keep_alive_on Enable TCP keepalives for tcp communication.
tos Enable ToS
disable_rest_apiDisable REST API
The tfstype option is used to specify the type of TFS to instantiate. All the other settings are applicable only to an embedded TFS or a hybrid TFS, which includes an embedded TFS. They do not affect any other TFS that an application happens to connect to (in cases where the remote TFS is included).