Indexing. Add 5 new records with random index values. Scan through index & print records in order. Each run adds 5 more records in the database. This example needs a compiled schema, core05.sdl.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "example_fcns.h"
#include "rdm.h"
#include "rdmstartupapi.h"
/* Generated \c struct and \c typedef definitions to be used with the RDM APIs
#include "core05_structs.h"
/* Generated catalog definition to be used with the RDM rdm_dbSetCatalog() API
#include "core05_cat.h"
const char *const description = "Demonstrates using an index for ordering";
* \mainpage Core05 Popcorn Example
* Each time you run this example:
* \li The database is initialized (if necessary)
* \li 5 new person records are added to the database
* \li A list of each person is displayed in index order.
* \par Table of Contents
* - \subpage hDB
* - \subpage hPGMfunc
* For additional information, please refer to the product documentation at
* \page hDB Database Schema
* \par Database Schema Definition
* The DDL (Database Definition Language) specification for the database used
* in this example is located in the file \c core05.sdl.
* \include core05.sdl
* The schema was compiled using the RDM rdm-compile utility with the -s option
* to generate C-structures for interfacing with the database.
* \code rdm-compile -s core05.sdl \endcode
* Each of these functions returns an integer status code, where the
* value sOKAY indicates a successful call.
* The actual database will be stored in a directory named 'core05.rdm' in the
* project directory.
* \page hPGMfunc Program Functions
* \li main() - \copybrief main
/* \brief Insert one row into the core02 database
* This function adds one more row to the core02 database. The row contains only
* a non-indexed character string.
* @return Returns an \c RDM_RETCODE code (\b sOKAY if successful)
RDM_RETCODE insertFiveRows (
RDM_DB hDB) /*< [in] RDM db handle with the database open */
PERSON person_rec;
print_error (rc);
int ii;
printf ("Adding 5 new person records\n");
for (ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
unsigned int value;
value = (unsigned int) rand () % 10000;
sprintf (person_rec.last_four_ssn, "%04u", value);
rc = rdm_dbInsertRow (
hDB, TABLE_PERSON, &person_rec, sizeof (person_rec), NULL);
print_error (rc);
printf ("\t%s\n", person_rec.last_four_ssn);
if (rc == sOKAY)
rc = rdm_dbEnd (hDB);
rc = rdm_dbEndRollback (hDB);
print_error (rc);
return rc;
/* \brief Reads and displays all rows in the core02 database
* This function reads and displays all rows in the core02 database. Each time
* the core02 program is executed, an additional row will be added to the
* database.
* @return Returns an \c RDM_RETCODE code (\b sOKAY if successful)
RDM_RETCODE readAllRows (
RDM_DB hDB) /*< [in] RDM db handle with the database open */
PERSON person_rec;
print_error (rc);
if (rc == sOKAY)
printf ("\nList all records in index order\n");
rc = rdm_dbGetRowsByKey (hDB, KEY_PERSON_LAST_FOUR_SSN, &cursor);
print_error (rc);
if (rc == sOKAY)
rc = rdm_cursorMoveToNext (cursor))
rc = rdm_cursorReadRow (
cursor, &person_rec, sizeof (person_rec), NULL);
print_error (rc);
printf ("%s\n", person_rec.last_four_ssn);
rdm_cursorFree (cursor);
rdm_dbEnd (hDB);
/* We expect rc to be sENDOFCURSOR when we break out of the loop */
rc = sOKAY; /* change status to sOKAY because sENDOFCURSOR was
expected. */
print_error (rc);
return rc;
/* \brief Main function for core05 example
* The function initializes the RDM environment and runs the create, read
* operations.
* @return Returns the \c RDM_RETCODE on exit.
int main_core05 (int argc, const char *const *argv)
/* Seed the random number generator */
srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL));
rc = rdm_cmdlineInit (&cmd, argc, argv, description, opts);
print_error (rc);
if (rc == sOKAY)
if (rc == sOKAY)
rc = insertFiveRows (hDB);
if (rc == sOKAY)
rc = readAllRows (hDB);
exampleCleanup (hTFS, hDB);
return (int) rc;
Header for the native RDM Runtime API.
RDM_RETCODE rdm_dbStartRead(RDM_DB db, const RDM_TABLE_ID *tableIds, uint32_t numTableIds, RDM_TRANS *pTrans)
Get read locks.
RDM_RETCODE rdm_cursorReadRow(RDM_CURSOR cursor, void *colValues, size_t bytesIn, size_t *bytesOut)
Read all columns from a row.
#define exampleOpenDatabase(tfs, db, name, catalog)
Definition: example_fcns.h:18
The buffer used by the command line parser to hold state information.
Definition: rdmcmdlinetypes.h:85
RDM_RETCODE rdm_dbGetRowsByKey(RDM_DB db, RDM_KEY_ID keyId, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor)
Associate an RDM_CURSOR with a row set based on a key.
RDM_RETCODE rdm_dbEndRollback(RDM_DB db)
End and rollback a transactional operation.
RDM_RETCODE rdm_dbInsertRow(RDM_DB db, RDM_TABLE_ID tableId, const void *colValues, size_t bytesIn, RDM_CURSOR *pCursor)
Insert a new row into a table at the specified rowId.
RDM_RETCODE rdm_cmdlineInit(RDM_CMDLINE *cmd, int32_t argc, const char *const argv[], const char *description, const RDM_CMDLINE_OPT *opts)
Initialize an RDM_CMDLINE buffer and validate the command line.
RDM_RETCODE rdm_dbStartUpdate(RDM_DB db, const RDM_TABLE_ID *writeTableIds, uint32_t numWriteTableIds, const RDM_TABLE_ID *readTableIds, uint32_t numReadTableIds, RDM_TRANS *pTrans)
Get write locks.
Internal RDM Startup API used by startup macros.