RDMResultSet class
Implements the ResultSet
interface of java.sql
For more information, reference JDBC documentation for: ResultSet
Public Methods
- clearWarnings()
- close()
- findColumn(String columnLabel)
- getAsciiStream(int columnIndex)
- getAsciiStream(String columnLabel)
- getBigDecimal(int columnIndex)
- getBigDecimal(String columnLabel)
- getBinaryStream(int columnIndex)
- getBinaryStream(String columnLabel)
- getBlob(int columnIndex)
- getBlob(String columnLabel)
- getBoolean(int columnIndex)
- getBoolean(String columnLabel)
- getByte(int columnIndex)
- getByte(String columnLabel)
- getBytes(int columnIndex)
- getBytes(String columnLabel)
- getCharacterStream(int columnIndex)
- getCharacterStream(String columnLabel)
- getClob(int columnIndex)
- getClob(String columnLabel)
- getConcurrency()
- getDate(int columnIndex)
- getDate(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
- getDate(String columnLabel)
- getDate(String columnLabel, Calendar cal)
- getDouble(int columnIndex)
- getDouble(String columnLabel)
- getFetchDirection()
- getFetchSize()
- getFloat(int columnIndex)
- getFloat(String columnLabel)
- getHoldability()
- getInt(int columnIndex)
- getInt(String columnLabel)
- getLong(int columnIndex)
- getLong(String columnLabel)
- getMetaData()
- getNCharacterStream(int columnIndex)
- getNCharacterStream(String columnLabel)
- getNClob(int columnIndex)
- getNClob(String columnLabel)
- getNString(int columnIndex)
- getNString(String columnLabel)
- getObject(int columnIndex)
- getObject(String columnLabel)
- getRow()
- getShort(int columnIndex)
- getShort(String columnLabel)
- getStatement()
- getString(int columnIndex)
- getString(String columnLabel)
- getTime(int columnIndex)
- getTime(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
- getTime(String columnLabel)
- getTime(String columnLabel, Calendar cal)
- getTimestamp(int columnIndex)
- getTimestamp(int columnIndex, Calendar cal)
- getTimestamp(String columnLabel)
- getTimestamp(String columnLabel, Calendar cal)
- getType()
- getURL(int columnIndex)
- getURL(String columnLabel)
- getWarnings()
- isAfterLast()
- isBeforeFirst()
- isClosed()
- isFirst()
- isLast()
- isWrapperFor(Class <?> iface)
- moveToCurrentRow()
- next()
- refreshRow()
- rowDeleted()
- rowInserted()
- rowUpdated()
- setFetchDirection(int direction)
- setFetchSize(int rows)
- unwrap(Class <?> iface)
- wasNull()
Unsupported Methods
For all these unsupported methods the JDBC Driver will throw a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
instead of a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
- ResultSet.getObject(int, Map<String,Class<?>> )
- ResultSet.getObject(String, Map<String,Class<?>>)
SQL Array type. The SQL engine in RDM has no Array type, so the JDBC driver does not support it. This includes the following methods which throw a SQLException
- ResultSet.getArray(int)
- ResultSet.getArray(String)
SQL XML type. The SQL engine in RDM has no XML type, so the JDBC driver does not support it. This includes the following methods which throw a SQLException
- ResultSet.getSQLXML(int)
- ResultSet.getSQLXML(String)
SQL Ref type. The SQL engine in RDM has no Ref type, so the JDBC driver does not support it. This includes the following methods which throw a SQLException
- ResultSet.getRef(int)
- ResultSet.getRef(String)
SQL ROWID type. Although the SQL engine in RDM does have a rowid concept it is limited, so the JDBC driver limits what can be done. The following methods throw SQLExceptions
- ResultSet.getRowId(int)
- ResultSet.getRowId(String)
Scrollable cursors. The SQL engine only supports static, forward-only cursors. Attempting to set the resultSetType
to anything other than ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
or attempting to move in any other direction than forwards throws a SQLException
. This affects the following methods.
- ResultSet.absolute(int row)
- ResultSet.afterLast()
- ResultSet.beforeFirst()
- ResultSet.first()
- ResultSet.last()
- ResultSet.previous()
- ResultSet.relative()
JDBC deprecated functions. The following are deprecated in JDBC 4.0 and thus are unsupported by the RDM JDBC driver and will throw a SQLException
- ResultSet.getBigDecimal(int, int)
- ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String, int)
- ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(int)
- ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(String)
Modifiable result sets. The SQL engine in RDM does not allow a result set to be modified. The following methods will throw a SQLException
- ResultSet.cancelRowUpdates()
- ResultSet.deleteRow()
- ResultSet.getCursorName()
- ResultSet.insertRow()
- ResultSet.moveToInsertRow()
- ResultSet.updateArray(int, Array)
- ResultSet.updateArray(String, Array)
- ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream)
- ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int)
- ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long)
- ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream)
- ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int)
- ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, long)
- ResultSet.updateBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal)
- ResultSet.updateBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal)
- ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream)
- ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int)
- ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long)
- ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream)
- ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int)
- ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, long)
- ResultSet.updateBlob(int, Blob)
- ResultSet.updateBlob(int, InputStream)
- ResultSet.updateBlob(int, InputStream, long)
- ResultSet.updateBlob(String, Blob)
- ResultSet.updateBlob(String, InputStream)
- ResultSet.updateBlob(String, InputStream, long)
- ResultSet.updateBoolean(int, boolean)
- ResultSet.updateBoolean(String, boolean)
- ResultSet.updateByte(int, byte)
- ResultSet.updateByte(String, byte)
- ResultSet.updateBytes(int, byte[])
- ResultSet.updateBytes(String, byte[])
- ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, int)
- ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, int)
- ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateClob(int, Clob)
- ResultSet.updateClob(int, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateClob(int, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateClob(String, Clob)
- ResultSet.updateClob(String, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateClob(String, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateDate(int, Date)
- ResultSet.updateDate(String, Date)
- ResultSet.updateDouble(int, double)
- ResultSet.updateDouble(String, double)
- ResultSet.updateFloat(int, float)
- ResultSet.updateFloat(String, float)
- ResultSet.updateInt(int, int)
- ResultSet.updateInt(String, int)
- ResultSet.updateLong(int, long)
- ResultSet.updateLong(String, long)
- ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(int, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(String, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateNClob(int, NClob)
- ResultSet.updateNClob(int, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateNClob(int, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateNClob(String, NClob)
- ResultSet.updateNClob(String, Reader)
- ResultSet.updateNClob(String, Reader, long)
- ResultSet.updateNString(int, String)
- ResultSet.updateNString(String, String)
- ResultSet.updateNull(int)
- ResultSet.updateNull(String)
- ResultSet.updateObject(int, Object)
- ResultSet.updateObject(int, Object, int)
- ResultSet.updateObject(String, Object)
- ResultSet.updateObject(String, Object, int)
- ResultSet.updateRef(int, Ref)
- ResultSet.updateRef(String, Ref)
- ResultSet.updateRow()
- ResultSet.updateRowId(int, RowId)
- ResultSet.updateRowId(String, RowId)
- ResultSet.updateShort(int, short)
- ResultSet.updateShort(String, short)
- ResultSet.updateSQLXML(int, SQLXML)
- ResultSet.updateSQLXML(String, SQLXML)
- ResultSet.updateString(int, String)
- ResultSet.updateString(String, String)
- ResultSet.updateTime(int, Time)
- ResultSet.updateTime(String, Time)
- ResultSet.updateTimestamp(int, Time)
- ResultSet.updateTimestamp(String, Time)