Collaboration diagram for Time API:


uint64_t rdm_timeMeasureMilliSecs (void)
Time in milli seconds suitable for measuring elapsed time. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeFromString (const char *str, RDM_PACKED_TIME_T *ptm)
Convert a string to local time. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeHour (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the hour of the day. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeMinute (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the minute of the hour. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeSecond (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the second of the minute. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeFraction (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the fractions of the second. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeToString (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T timeVal, RDM_TIME_FORMAT time_fmt, char *buf, size_t bufSize, size_t *puSize)
Convert a time to a string. More...
RDM_PACKED_TIME_T rdm_timeZero (void)
Get the local time at the start of a day. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeNow (int16_t time_zone, RDM_PACKED_TIME_T *ptm)
Get the current local time. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeNowAsString (int16_t time_zone, char *timebuf, size_t buflen)
Get current local time as a string. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzNowAsString (int16_t time_zone, char *timebuf, size_t buflen)
Get current time with timezone as a string. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzFromString (const char *str, RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T *ptz)
Convert a string to a time. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzNow (int16_t time_zone, RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T *ptz)
Get the current time with timezone. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzToTime (RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T timetzVal, int16_t tz_disp, RDM_PACKED_TIME_T *pTimeVal)
Convert a time with timezone to local time. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzToString (RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T timetzVal, RDM_TIME_FORMAT time_fmt, char *buf, size_t bufSize, size_t *puSize)
Convert a time with timezone to a string. More...
RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T rdm_timetzZero (void)
Get the time at the start of a day. More...

Detailed Description

The RaimaDB time datatype API. The functions here are located in RaimaDB Base Functionality. Linker option:


Function Documentation


uint16_t rdm_timeFraction ( RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm )

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get the fractions of the second.

Get the fractions of the second in 1/10,000th of a second from a packed local time

The fractions of the second (0 - 9999)

[in] tm RaimaDB packed local time value


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeFromString ( const char * str,

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Convert a string to local time.

Convert a string to a packed local time.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eINVLITERAL Invalid literal constant specification.
eRANGE Numeric value out of range.
[in] str The string to be converted
[out] ptm The packed local time value. The buffer need to be allocated by the caller.


uint16_t rdm_timeHour ( RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm )

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get the hour of the day.

Get the hour from a packed local time.

The hour of the day
[in] tm RaimaDB packed local time value


uint64_t rdm_timeMeasureMilliSecs ( void )

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Time in milli seconds suitable for measuring elapsed time.

This function is returning elapsed time with some unspecified base suitable for measuring elapsed time. It is not suitable for generating timestamps or retrieving the actual clock time.


uint16_t rdm_timeMinute ( RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm )

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get the minute of the hour.

Get the minute of the hour from a packed local time.

The minute of the hour
[in] tm RaimaDB packed local time value


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeNow ( int16_t time_zone,

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get the current local time.

Get the current local time for the timezone passed in.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eBASE_INVTIMEZONE Invalid time zone value.
[in] time_zone timezone value (in min)
[out] ptm current time adjusted with time_zone. The buffer need to be allocated by the caller.


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeNowAsString ( int16_t time_zone,
char * timebuf,
size_t buflen

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get current local time as a string.

Get the current local time in string format.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eBASE_INVTIMEZONE Invalid time zone value.
sTRUNCATE Result is truncated.
[in] time_zone timezone value (in min)
[out] timebuf NOW value as string
[in] buflen Size of timebuf in number of ASCII characters it can hold


uint16_t rdm_timeSecond ( RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm )

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get the second of the minute.

Get the second of the minute from a packed local time.

The second of the minute
[in] tm RaimaDB packed local time value


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeToString ( RDM_PACKED_TIME_T timeVal,
char * buf,
size_t bufSize,
size_t * puSize

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Convert a time to a string.

Convert a packed local time to a string.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eINVLITERAL Invalid literal constant specification.
sTRUNCATE Result is truncated.
[in] timeVal RaimaDB time value
[in] time_fmt RaimaDB time format
[out] buf result time string
[in] bufSize buffer size in number of ASCII characters it can hold
[out] puSize resulting size in number of characters


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzFromString ( const char * str,

#include <rdmtimetzapi.h>

Convert a string to a time.

Convert a string to a packed time with timezone.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eINVLITERAL Invalid literal constant specification.
eRANGE Numeric value out of range.
[in] str The string to be converted
[out] ptz The packed time with timezone. The buffer need to be allocated by the caller.


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzNow ( int16_t time_zone,

#include <rdmtimetzapi.h>

Get the current time with timezone.

Get the current time with timezone.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eBASE_INVTIMEZONE Invalid time zone value.
[in] time_zone Timezone value
[out] ptz The current time with timezone


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzNowAsString ( int16_t time_zone,
char * timebuf,
size_t buflen

#include <rdmtimetzapi.h>

Get current time with timezone as a string.

Get the current time with timezone as a string.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eBASE_INVTIMEZONE Invalid time zone value.
sTRUNCATE Result is truncated.
See also
[in] time_zone Timezone value (in min)
[out] timebuf The current time with timezone
[in] buflen Size of timebuf in number of ASCII characters it can hold


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzToString ( RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T timetzVal,
char * buf,
size_t bufSize,
size_t * puSize

#include <rdmtimetzapi.h>

Convert a time with timezone to a string.

Convert a packed time with timezone to a string.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
eINVLITERAL Invalid literal constant specification.
sTRUNCATE Result is truncated.
[in] timetzVal time with timezone value
[in] time_fmt RaimaDB time format
[out] buf result time string
[in] bufSize buffer size in number of ASCII characters it can hold
[out] puSize resulting size in number of characters


RDM_RETCODE rdm_timetzToTime ( RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T timetzVal,
int16_t tz_disp,

#include <rdmtimetzapi.h>

Convert a time with timezone to local time.

Convert a packed time with timezone to packed local time.

Return values
sOKAY Normal, successful return.
[in] timetzVal time with timezone value
[in] tz_disp The local timezone
[out] pTimeVal resulting local time value


RDM_PACKED_TIMETZ_T rdm_timetzZero ( void )

#include <rdmtimetzapi.h>

Get the time at the start of a day.

Get the packed time at the start of the day (midnight).

The time at the start of the day


RDM_PACKED_TIME_T rdm_timeZero ( void )

#include <rdmtimeapi.h>

Get the local time at the start of a day.

Get the packed local time at the start of the day (midnight).

The local time at the start of the day