rdmtimeapi.h File Reference

Header for the public Time API. More...

#include "rdmdatetimetypes.h"
#include "rdmretcodetypes.h"
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uint64_t rdm_timeMeasureMilliSecs (void)
Time in milli seconds suitable for measuring elapsed time. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeFromString (const char *str, RDM_PACKED_TIME_T *ptm)
Convert a string to local time. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeHour (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the hour of the day. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeMinute (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the minute of the hour. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeSecond (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the second of the minute. More...
uint16_t rdm_timeFraction (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T tm)
Get the fractions of the second. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeToString (RDM_PACKED_TIME_T timeVal, RDM_TIME_FORMAT time_fmt, char *buf, size_t bufSize, size_t *puSize)
Convert a time to a string. More...
RDM_PACKED_TIME_T rdm_timeZero (void)
Get the local time at the start of a day. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeNow (int16_t time_zone, RDM_PACKED_TIME_T *ptm)
Get the current local time. More...
RDM_RETCODE rdm_timeNowAsString (int16_t time_zone, char *timebuf, size_t buflen)
Get current local time as a string. More...

Detailed Description

Header for the public Time API.

Raima Database Manager

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