static RDM_RETCODE printAdults (RDM_CURSOR adults)
ADULT fAdult;
RDM_CURSOR adultsIter = NULL;
/* Clone adults so we can leave its position as is */
rc = rdm_cursorGetClone (adults, &adultsIter);
if (rc == sOKAY || rc == sENDOFCURSOR)
rc = rdm_cursorMoveToFirst (adultsIter);
while (rc == sOKAY)
rc = rdm_cursorReadRow (adultsIter, &fAdult, sizeof (fAdult), NULL);
if (rc == sOKAY)
printf (
"Adult with id: %d and name: %s\n", fAdult.adult_id,
rc = rdm_cursorMoveToNext (adultsIter);
if (rc == sENDOFCURSOR)
rc = sOKAY;
rdm_cursorFree (adultsIter);
return rc;