Macros | |
#define | RDM_IS_ERROR(c) ((int32_t) (c) < 0 ? 1 : 0) |
#define | RDM_IS_INFO(c) ((int32_t) (c) >= 0 ? 1 : 0) |
The RDM Return codes.
#define RDM_IS_ERROR | ( | c | ) | ((int32_t) (c) < 0 ? 1 : 0) |
#include <rdmretcodetypes.h>
Is the return code an error code
#define RDM_IS_INFO | ( | c | ) | ((int32_t) (c) >= 0 ? 1 : 0) |
#include <rdmretcodetypes.h>
Is the return code an info code
#include <rdmretcodetypes.h>
RDM status and error return codes.
Enumerator | |
sNOTFOUND | Requested item not found. |
sDUPLICATE | Duplicate unique key value. |
sTIMEOUT | Request timed out. |
sUPDATEDPOSITION | Row was updated and is no longer positioned at the exact same position. |
sNOTINCURSOR | Row was updated (unlinked) and is no longer in this cursor. |
sTRABORTED | Transaction was aborted by system. |
sIGNORE | Error can be ignored. |
sOKAYWITHINFO | Successful return with info. |
sNEEDDATA | Function requires data to be supplied. |
sNODATA | No data is available. |
sENDOFCURSOR | Reached the end of the cursor collection. |
sEOF | Reached the end of the file or input string. |
sTRUNCATE | Result is truncated. |
sREFERENCING | File can be read locally. |
sFILECHANGED | Cached file data is out of date. |
sSKIPTRANS | Transaction should be skipped. |
sNOMOREPAGE | No more page to obtain. |
sSETCLASH | Set pointers invalidated by another user. |
sUPDATEABORTED | An update transaction was aborted when closing the database. |
sSNAPSHOTENDED | A snapshot was closed when closing the database. |
sREADENDED | Read locks were freed when closing the database. |
sTFS_SHUTDOWN | TFS is shutting down. |
sOPTCHANGED | option value changed to default. |
sCMD_USAGE | command usage option. |
sCMD_VERSION | command version option. |
sNULLVAL | The specified column is NULL. |
sEOS | End of set. |
sIMPROWERROR | One or more errors occurred during import. |
sSCHEMACHANGE | A schema change was detected but the current operation succeeded. |
sUNDERFLOW | Value underflow. |
sPRECISIONLOSS | Lost precision for BCD calculation. |
sNOMORERESULTS | No additional result sets returned. |
sFETCHBEYOND | Attempt to fetch before the result set returned the first rowset. |
sTRIGGERSREADONLY | The database contains triggers and rdm_dbTriggersOn() or rdm_dbTriggersOff() has not been called so the database is in read-only mode. |
sNODB | Database does not exist. |
sKVNOVALUE | The key/value pair does not have a value. |
sOPTIONIGNORED | The option key is valid, but is ignored for a remote TFS. |
sCHILD | The child process is returned from psp_serviceDaemonStart. |
sBASE_QUEUE_CLOSED | No more messages and the queue is closed. |
sBASE_QUEUE_EMPTY | Timed out. Queue is empty, try again later. |
sINDETERMINATE | The comparison result is indeterminate. |
sBASE_DONE | Parsing done. |
sPACK_FILE_NOT_OPEN | The pack file is not open on the client side. |
sFILE_CONSOLE_UTF8 | The file is a Windows Console using UTF-8. Use psp_fileConsoleRead and psp_fileConsoleWrite. |
sFILE_CONSOLE_UTF16 | The file is a Windows Console using UTF-16. Use psp_fileConsoleRead and psp_fileConsoleWrite. |
sOKAY | Normal, successful return. |
eFAIL | General failure. |
eNOMEMORY | Out of memory. |
eDBNOTOPEN | Database not open. |
eDBOPEN | Database already opened in this task. |
eEXCLUSIVE | Exclusive access required. |
eBADCAT | Bad catalog (error trying to read catalog file). |
eSQLRESERVED | Can't use a SQL reserved word as identifier. |
eTRACTIVE | Transaction is active. |
eTRNOTACT | Transaction not active. |
eNOSTART | No rdm_dbStartRead(), rdm_dbStartSnapshot(), or rdm_dbStartUpdate() is active. |
eNOSTARTUPDATE | An update operation was attempted when no rdm_dbStartUpdate() is active. |
eNOSTARTREAD | A read operation was attempted when no rdm_dbStartSnapshot(), rdm_dbStartRead(), or rdm_dbStartUpdate() is active. |
eNOTLOCKED | Attempt to access a table for reading or update without proper locks. |
eNOTFREE | Attempt to lock already locked table. |
eDUPLICATE | Attempt to insert a duplicate value as a unique/primary key. |
eREFINTEGRITY | Integrity constraint violation. |
eCHECK | Check clause violation. |
eNODB | Database not found. |
eSNAPSHOTACTIVE | Snapshot is active. |
eSNAPSHOTNOTACTIVE | Snapshot is not active. |
eOPENMODE | Invalid db open mode. |
eNOTIMPLEMENTED | Function/feature not implemented. |
eINVFCNARG | Invalid function argument. |
eINVNULLARG | Function argument cannot be NULL. |
eINVFCNSEQ | Function sequence error. |
eINVLITERAL | Invalid literal constant specification. |
eMISSINGLITERAL | Syntax error where we expected a literal constant specification. |
eCIRTABDELETE | Cannot delete rows from a circular table. |
eNOTNULL | Must specify value for column. |
eFILEIO | File I/O error. |
eFILEOPEN | Unable to open file. |
eUNOMISMATCH | Unions mismatch . |
eNOSPACE | Out of disk space. |
ePRECOMMITTED | A precommitted transaction must be committed or rolled back before further operations on this database are allowed. |
eINVDBNAMESPEC | Invalid database name specification. |
eINVTFSSPEC | Invalid TFS specification. |
eFILEINUSE | File in use. |
eTRUNCATED | Date truncated. |
eBADREAD | Error reading from a file. |
eBADWRITE | Error writing to a file. |
eRANGE | Numeric value out of range. |
eINVKEYVALUE | Invalid key/value pair. |
eINVBCD | Invalid BCD value. |
eDUPUSERID | DBUSERID is already in use. |
eREADONLY | Database is read-only and cannot be updated. |
eMKDIR | Unable to create directory. |
eRECOVERYFAILED | Recovery failed. |
eNOTFOUND | Not found. |
eSYNTAX | Syntax error. |
eBADDATALEN | Invalid string or buffer length. |
eINVROWIDVAL | Invalid rowid value. |
eVALUEISLIST | Attempted to retrieve a single value where the actual value is a list. |
eINVVARINT | Invalid variable integer value. |
eDATALOST | Significant data lost due to truncation. |
eINVBINLITERAL | Invalid binary literal specification. |
eTYPEMISMATCH | Data type mismatch. |
eROWIDRANGE | RowId value out of range. |
eROWIDMISMATCH | The specified RowId does not match the Primary Key RowId value. |
eROWLIMIT | Table row limit reached. |
eINVCONVERT | Invalid data type conversion. |
eINVUTF | Invalid UTF string. |
eINVOPTION | Invalid option identifier is specified. |
eINVOPTIONVALUE | Invalid option value. |
eDBNOTCLOSED | Option requires database to be closed. |
eINVARG | Invalid argument. |
eINVARGTYPE | Invalid argument type. |
eINVTRID | Invalid transaction id. |
eNOTSUPPORTED | Function not supported. |
eNOTROOTUPDATETRANS | You can only precommit the root update transaction. |
eESCAPE | Escape clause syntax error. |
eDBEXISTS | Database already exists. |
eEOD | Insufficient data. |
eINVID | Invalid 'internals' id. |
eINVUNICODE | Invalid Unicode string. |
eCOLCOUNTMISMATCH | Invalid number column values provided for the table. |
eKEYCOLCOUNTMISMATCH | Invalid number column values provided for the key. |
eHASMEMBERS | Referential Integrity error - row is referenced by other rows. |
eDEPRECATED | This feature is deprecated. |
eINVTIMEOUT | Invalid timeout value. |
eLEGACYAPI | Call to a legacy API from a database handle not opened in legacy mode. |
eLEGACYDB | Call non-legacy API from a database handle opened in legacy mode. |
eINMEMMISMATCH | Attempting to open a database that is already open with differing in-memory options. |
eBADWILDALL | Bad wild all character (must be '' or '*'). |
eBADWILDONE | Bad wild one character (must be '_', '.', or '?'). |
eBADSNAPSHOTMODE | Invalid snapshot mode. |
eINVHANDLE | Invalid handle. |
eINVSQLTYPE | Invalid SQL data type. |
eCONNNOTOPEN | Connection is not open. |
eDIVBY0 | Division by zero. |
eNOTANUMBER | A calculation returned not a number. |
eINVALID | Invalid encoding. |
eUNAVAIL | Requested resource not available. |
eTABNOTFOUND | Table not declared. |
eCOLNOTFOUND | Column not declared. |
eINSERTVALS | Insert value list does not match column list. |
eINVTRIGSTMT | Prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution. |
eNOSTATS | No statistics is associated with this database. |
eDROPONLYCOL | Illegal attempt to drop the only column of the table. |
eTFSOPTIONINIT | Option specified can only be specified before initializing a TFS handle. |
eINVINFOKEY | Invalid information key value. |
eDBCORRUPTED | Database corruption. |
eDROPTRIGCOL | Illegal attempt to drop a column referenced by trigger. |
eREALLOCMEMORY | Reallocation of huge memory buffers not supported. |
eNOUPDATE | Transaction handle does not refer to an update transaction. |
eFILEACCESS | Unable to open file due to access restrictions. |
eFILEEXIST | Unable to create file due to an already existing file. |
eFILENOENTRY | Unable to open file since it does not exist. |
eFILEISDIR | File is a directory. |
eEOF | Reached the end of the file or input string. |
eBROKENPIPE | Failed to read or write since the other end have closed the connection. |
eBADCATVER | Bad catalog version (catalog version incompatible with the runtime). |
eALREADYLOCKED | The table is already locked. This is only being returned to the inline vacuumer when user already has the table locked. |
eWRITEPANIC | The database engine have shut down updates due to a severe error. |
eBASE_INVDATE | Invalid date value. |
eBASE_INVTIMEZONE | Invalid time zone value. |
eBASE_COMMAND | Command line argument processor error. |
eBASE_QUEUE_CLOSED | No more messages can be written since the queue is closed. |
eDEFUNCT | Function no longer supported/defunct. |
eINVTASKID | Invalid task id. |
eINVDBID | Invalid db id. |
eINVCURSORID | Invalid cursor id. |
eINVTRANSID | Invalid transaction id. |
eNOTRANSID | No transaction id specified. |
eCURSORDB | Cursor is associated with a different database. |
eINVTFSID | Invalid TFS id. |
eINVFORUNION | Invalid operation on unioned db. |
eNOTKEY | Column is not a key. |
eNOTBLOB | Column is not a BLOB or CLOB. |
eINVLOCKTYPE | Invalid lock type. |
eINVKEYID | Invalid key id. |
eKEYREQD | Key value required. |
eINVCOLID | Invalid column id. |
eINVTABID | Invalid table id. |
eINVREFID | Invalid reference (set) id number. |
eINVIDENTIFIER | Invalid id value. |
eINVCURSOROP | Invalid operation for this cursor. |
eDELETED | The current row has been deleted. |
eOWNERDELETED | The owner row for a set cursor has been deleted. |
eSINGLETONDELETED | The row for a singleton cursor has been deleted. |
eNOTOWNER | The cursor's rows are not owners of the specified set. |
eNOTMEMBER | The cursor's rows are not members of the specified set. |
eNOTRELATED | Items are not related. |
eNOCURRENTROW | The cursor is not positioned to a valid row. |
eNOCURRENTOWNER | No current owner row. |
eNOCURRENTMEMBER | No current member row. |
eNOTLINKED | The cursor is positioned to a row that is not linked to the specified reference id. |
eINVITERATION | Invalid attempt to move cursor before 'BeforeFirst' or past 'AfterLast'. |
eLOSTPOSITION | Cursor position was lost and must be reset. |
eINVCURSORCOL | The specified column is not in the table the cursor is associated with. |
eINVCURSORKEY | The specified key is not in the table the cursor is associated with. |
eNOTINCURSOR | The row is not in the cursor. |
eBLOBBADSIZE | Not enough data in the blob to satisfy the read request. |
eBLOBBADPOSITION | Invalid blob offset position. |
eHASOWNER | The row references other rows. |
eISOWNED | The member row is already owned. |
eEOS | End of set. |
eISCOMPOUNDKEY | Column is a compound key. |
eCOMPOUNDKEY | Column is in a compound key. |
eKEYERR | Key inconsistency detected. |
eKEYSEQ | Field type used out of sequence in d_keynext. |
eVARDATALEN | Vardata length inconsistency. |
eVARDATAPTR | Vardata pointer inconsistency. |
eTRFREE | Attempt to free a lock inside a transaction. |
eBADLOCKS | Inconsistent database locks. |
eINVKEYSPEC | Invalid key specification. |
eREADONLYCURSOR | Cursor is read-only. |
eSLAVEREADONLY | Attempted to open a slave database in non-readonly mode. |
eDEBUG | Debugging check interrupt. |
eINVENCRYPT | Invalid encryption key. |
eENCRYPTMISMATCH | Encryption passcodes do not match. |
eSETPAGES | Error in d_setpages (database open or bad param). |
eINVFILE | Invalid file type for operation. |
eREP_INVOP | Invalid operation during replication. |
eDBDREAD | Error reading dbd file. |
eINVENDIAN | Invalid endian format. |
eINVSTRING | Invalid string format. |
eINVDBA | Invalid dba format. |
eCATMISMATCH | Catalog in memory does not match Catalog on disk. |
eSCHEMACHANGE | A schema change was detected and the current operation was not successful. |
eDBD_NONAMES | Incompatible legacy DBD file - does not contain record/field/set name. |
eNOT_ENCRYPTED | The database is not encrypted. |
eREPLOG_ERROR | Error processing/reading/creating/writing the replication log. |
eREPLOG_EOF | EOF for replication log file. |
eINVDB | Invalid database. |
eIMPBADXML | Bad xml. |
eIMPBADDATA | Bad data. |
eMULTIPLE_DBS | Open multiple dbs in one call is not supported by this API, use multiple calls. |
eUNIONCATMISMATCH | Unioned databases do not have compatible Catalog structures. |
eINCOMPAT | Incompatible dictionary file. |
eINVOPFORBLOB | Invalid operation for a BLOB column. |
eINVOPENMODE | Invalid database open mode. |
eDBOPENED | Operation not completed because database is open. |
eNOCURRTYPE | No current table type. |
eTABLEISINREF | Cannot quick initialize the table because the table is involved in a reference. |
eNOCOLUMNVALUE | No column value was specified, the column do not have a default, and cannot be null. |
eNULLCOLUMNVALUE | NULL column value was specified, the column cannot be null. |
eINVDATEFMT | Invalid date format. |
eINVDATESEP | Invalid date separator. |
eINVTIMEFMT | Invalid time format. |
eVTNOTREGISTERED | Reference to unregistered Virtual Table. |
eMIXEDTRANS | DDL and DML transactions cannot be mixed. |
eINVLOCALE | Invalid collation locale. |
eLOCALEMISMATCH | Attempt to open database with incorrect (or no) locale. |
eNOTRTREE | The key specified is not an rtree index. |
eISRTREE | The key specified is an rtree index. |
eDROPPED | Attempt to access a cursor based on an item that has been dropped. |
eINVSTORAGETYPE | Only INMEMORY_LOAD or INMEMORY_PERSIST databases can be persisted. |
eINNESTEDUPDATE | Function is not allowed from a nested update transaction, it can only be called from the root update transaction. |
eVACUUMAMOUNT | The amount of data allowed to be vacuumed in one transaction is set to low. |
eTFS_INVHANDLE | Invalid TFS handle. |
eTFS_INVTYPE | Invalid TFS type. |
eTFS_NOTINITIALIZED | The RDM Transaction File Server (TFS) is not initialized. |
eTFS_DUPUSER | Duplicate user ID. |
eTFS_FCNSEQ | Function sequence error. |
eTFS_ILLEGALMOD | Illegal attempt to modify file(s) on read-only device. |
eTFS_ILLEGALACCESS | Illegal attempt to access file(s) on diskless system. |
eTFS_INVDBID | Invalid db id. |
eTFS_INVUSERID | Invalid user id. |
eTFS_DOCROOTUSED | The specified docroot is already in use. |
eTFS_DOCROOTNOTFOUND | The specified docroot location is not found. |
eTFS_DOCROOTINVALID | The specified docroot location is invalid. |
eTFS_WRITEFAIL | Failed to write to a file. |
eTFS_INVFILE | File not found in file table. |
eTFS_IASYNC_ON | Internal asynchronous mode is enabled. |
eTFS_BLOCKED | Mirroring is blocking transactions. |
eTFS_INVOPERATION | Invalid operation for this type of TFS. |
eTFS_NOTRANS | Transaction not active. |
eTFS_DBOPEN | Cannot destroy a database that is open by others. |
eTFS_NOPAGE | Requested page doesn't exist. |
eTFS_COMMITFAILED | Commit failed due to prelog file rename failure. |
eTFS_DBINUSE | Database is currently in use. |
eTFS_INIEDITED | Attempted to edit an INI when it is already being edited. |
eTFS_ININOTEDITED | Attempted to edit an INI that was not held for editing. |
eTFS_NAMEINUSE | Name or port already in use. |
eTFS_NOMIR | Replication/mirroring is not enabled for this TFS library. |
eTFS_NOSQL | SQL is not enabled for this TFS library. |
eTFS_NOTFS | TFS is not enabled for this TFS library. |
eTFS_CONNECT | Failed to connect to TFS. |
eTFS_ENCNOTINIT | Encryption subsystem is not initialized on the TFS. |
eTFS_NOREST | RDM REST API is not enabled for this TFS library. |
ePSP_FAILURE | General failure in the PSP library. |
ePSP_MUTEX_FAILURE | Mutex failure in the PSP library. |
ePSP_PRIV | Insufficient privilege. |
ePSP_INVUSER | Invalid user. |
ePSP_INVPASS | Invalid password. |
ePSP_NOSOURCE | Invalid source. |
ePSP_NODEST | Invalid destination. |
ePSP_INVUUID | Invalid UUID in the PSP library. |
ePSP_DEADLOCK | Mutex deadlock in the PSP library. |
eDDL_WRONGDB | Table must be created in the active database. |
eDDL_DUPCOLUMN | Column with same name already declared in table. |
eDDL_NOTWITHDOMAIN | Not allowed with columns declared with domain. |
eDDL_DOMNOTFOUND | Domain not declared. |
eDDL_BADDATATYPE | Invalid data type. |
eDDL_DUPTABNAME | Duplicate table name. |
eDDL_DUPCOLNAME | Duplicate column name. |
eDDL_FKMISMATCH | Foreign/primary key columns do not match. |
eDDL_REFNULL | A referenced key must have at least one NOT NULL column. |
eDDL_NOPRIKEY | Referenced table does not have referenced primary key. |
eDDL_DEFAUTO | DEFAULT AUTO is not allowed (only with guid/rowid type). |
eDDL_DEFCURRENT | DEFAULT CURRENT is not allowed (only with date/time types). |
eDDL_BADVARPREC | Invalid variable length column precision. |
eDDL_VARCHARLEN | Must specify '(length)' with variable size columns. |
eDDL_BINLEN | Must specify '(length)' with binary columns. |
eDDL_NOMAXROWS | Must specify 'MAXROWS=value' with circular tables. |
eDDL_MAXROWSVALUE | MAXROWS value must be >0. |
eDDL_CONSTRNAME | Constraint name used more than once. |
eDDL_NULLCONFLICT | NOT NULL constraint specified for a column that has NULL values or a NULL default value. |
eDDL_DROPCOLUMN | Cannot DROP COLUMN: column is used in constraint–drop constraint first. |
eDDL_DROPNOTNULL | Cannot DROP NOT NULL: column is not defined as NOT NULL. |
eDDL_ALTERCHECK | CHECK constraint not allowed in ALTER COLUMN. |
eDDL_CONSTRNOTFOUND | Constraint not found. |
eDDL_NOREFDTABLE | Referenced table not found. |
eDDL_COLDOMCONSTR | Column constraint defined in domain. |
eDDL_DROPREFDKEY | Cannot drop a referenced unique/primary key. |
eDDL_FKCOLINFK | A column can only be used in one foreign key. |
eDDL_ALTERTYPE | Cannot change column to specified data type. |
eDDL_NEEDTABLE | Table name must be specified. |
eDDL_DROPTABLE | Cannot drop table referenced by a foreign key. |
eDDL_DROPFKCOL | Cannot drop a foreign key on a column used in a key–drop key first. |
eDDL_DROPDOMAIN | Cannot drop a domain that is being used by a column. |
eDDL_DOMAINCHECK | Cannot specify a CHECK clause for a column declared as domain type. |
eDDL_DBEXISTS | Database already exists. |
eDDL_CONDEXPR | Invalid conditional expression spec. |
eDDL_DISPLAY | Invalid DISPLAY clause spec. |
eDDL_COLTYPE | Column declarations must begin with name followed by type. |
eDDL_COLDECL | Invalid column declaration spec. |
eDDL_COLCONSTRAINT | Invalid column constraint spec. |
eDDL_TABCONSTRAINT | Invalid table constraint spec. |
eDDL_INDEXMETHOD | Invalid USING index method. |
eDDL_ORDERBY | Invalid ORDER BY spec. |
eDDL_ONACTION | Invalid ON UPDATE/DELETE action spec. |
eDDL_KEYSPEC | Invalid key spec. |
eDDL_FORKEYSPEC | Invalid foreign key/references spec. |
eDDL_ERRORS | DDL errors were found. |
eDDL_NOARRAYS | Arrays are not allowed with this data type. |
eDDL_NOBLOBS | Blobs not allowed in virtual tables. |
eDDL_ALTERACT | Invalid ALTER action spec. |
eDDL_HASPRIKEY | Table already has a primary key defined. |
eDDL_NOLOBKEYS | Large object columns cannot be keyed. |
eDDL_NODBNAME | Default database name not provided. |
eDDL_INVDEF | Invalid default specification for the type. |
eDDL_NOHASHORDER | Column orders are not allowed on a hash index. |
eDDL_BADRTREECOLS | Only one array column allowed for a R-tree index. |
eDDL_BADRTREELEN | The array size for an R-tree index must be 2, 4, or 6. |
eDDL_NONUNIQUEHASH | Hash index must be unique. |
eDDL_TABREFFEDINPL | Cannot drop a table referenced in a procedure or trigger on another table. |
eDDL_COLWITHDEFVAL | Cannot add a column with the default value to a table that has rows. |
eDDL_INVCHGFORKEY | Cannot change a foreign key constaint when the key columns have non-null values. |
eSQL_SQLERROR | Internal SQL error. |
eSQL_DUPCURSOR | Duplicate cursor name. |
eSQL_GENFILE | Unable to open file. |
eSQL_BADFORMAT | Bad formatting specification. |
eSQL_COLNUMBER | Invalid descriptor index (column number). |
eSQL_PARNUMBER | Invalid descriptor index (parameter number). |
eSQL_RDMERROR | RDM runtime error. |
eSQL_SELECTCOLS | SELECT result columns do not match column list. |
eSQL_NOCOLUMN | Column not found. |
eSQL_NUMPAR | Insufficient number of parameters specified. |
eSQL_FETCHTYPE | Fetch type out of range. |
eSQL_ROWVALUE | Row value out of range. |
eSQL_CURPOS | Invalid cursor position. |
eSQL_NOSETATTR | Attribute cannot be set now. |
eSQL_CURSTATE | Invalid cursor state. |
eSQL_NOTSELECT | Current/cursor's statement is not SELECT. |
eSQL_ESCAPECHAR | Invalid escape character. |
eSQL_INVSTATE | Invalid statement state. |
eSQL_WHERECALCS | Aggregate functions not allowed in WHERE. |
eSQL_INVPARAM | Invalid use of parameter marker. |
eSQL_DUPPROC | Duplicate stored procedure name. |
eSQL_NOPROC | Stored procedure/function not found. |
eSQL_NUMARGS | Invalid number of arguments specified. |
eSQL_BADOUTERJOIN | No access path between outer joined tables. |
eSQL_HDBCINUSE | Connection already in use. |
eSQL_UDF | User-defined function error. |
eSQL_NORETURNVAL | No result value returned from function. |
eSQL_UDFDEFN | UDFLOADTABLE entry definition error. |
eSQL_UDFARG | Invalid function argument type. |
eSQL_UDFNOARGS | Incorrect number of function arguments. |
eSQL_INSERTCOLREF | Invalid column reference in INSERT expression. |
eSQL_DUPJOINCOL | Duplicate join column. |
eSQL_NOJOINCOLMATCH | No matching join columns. |
eSQL_SORTCOLREF | Invalid order/group by column reference. |
eSQL_FCNARG | Invalid function argument. |
eSQL_NUMFCNARGS | Invalid number of specified function arguments. |
eSQL_INVSTMT | Invalid statement type. |
eSQL_CANCELLED | Statement execution cancelled by user. |
eSQL_GROUPBYAGGFN | Aggregate functions not allowed in GROUP BY. |
eSQL_TXUNKNOWN | Transaction state unknown. |
eSQL_NOTPREPARED | Associated statement is not prepared. |
eSQL_INVTXTYPE | Invalid transaction operation code. |
eSQL_PARMTYPE | Invalid parameter type. |
eSQL_TIMEOUT | Timeout expired. |
eSQL_IEF | Import/export error. |
eSQL_REMOTEERROR | JNI/ADO.Net system error. |
eSQL_COMERROR | RPC communication error. |
eSQL_LOCKSACTIVE | Operation not allowed due to active read locks. |
eSQL_MULTIDBTRANS | Multiple database transactions are not allowed. |
eSQL_NOTUPDATEABLE | SELECT or column is not updateable. |
eSQL_BLOBEXPR | Blobs cannot be referenced in expressions. |
eSQL_DATAATEXEC | Data-at-exec parameters only allowed with INSERT VALUES/UPDATE. |
eSQL_BLOBPARSONLY | Data-at-exec parameters only allowed for blob (long var...) columns. |
eSQL_BADBLOBPAR | Data-at-exec paramater type not compatible with blob (long var...) column. |
eSQL_LOCKMODE | Illegal locking mode. |
eSQL_NOUPDCOLS | No columns have been updated. |
eSQL_AUTOCOMMIT | Operation not allowed when autocommit is enabled. |
eSQL_CURSORTABLE | Positioned UPDATE/DELETE table does not match cursor's. |
eSQL_RDONLYFLAG | Inconsistent read-only transaction commit/rollback/end call. |
eSQL_TABLEREF | Duplicate table reference in FROM clause. |
eSQL_NESTEDAGGS | Cannot call an aggregate function within an aggregate function. |
eSQL_CHARREQD | CHAR type is required. |
eSQL_CONNECT | Unable to connect. |
eSQL_UNIONOPEN | Database union open invalid when other database is open. |
eSQL_NOBLOBSORT | Sorting on a blob column is not allowed. |
eSQL_NOBLOBGROUP | Blob columns cannot be referenced in a SELECT with GROUP BY. |
eSQL_DIFFCONNS | Statements from different connections. |
eSQL_OUTERJOIN | Unable to process outer join specification. |
eSQL_NOWHEREBLOB | Blob columns cannot be used in WHERE clause of a SELECT with ORDER BY. |
eSQL_NAMEDPARAM | Named parameter not found. |
eSQL_NOTINUDF | Function cannot be called from a UDF. |
eSQL_GROUPRESULT | Result column must have aggregate function call. |
eSQL_INVCURSOR | Invalid cursor name. |
eSQL_CURSORTAB | Target table does not match cursor specification. |
eSQL_FORUPDCOL | FOR UPDATE column not in SELECT list. |
eSQL_INVPROC | Stored procedure has an invalid version. |
eSQL_NOTUDFAGG | DISTINCT can only be specified with aggregate UDF. |
eSQL_INVFILETYPE | Invalid import/export file type. |
eSQL_INVROWIDVAL | Invalid rowid value. |
eSQL_NOINSERTID | No last_insert_id is available. |
eSQL_INVSELECT | SELECT cannot have ORDER/GROUP BY clause. |
eSQL_UPDROWIDPK | UPDATE of rowid primary key column is not allowed. |
eSQL_GROUPBYPARMS | GROUP BY column expressions cannot have parameter markers. |
eSQL_INVARMISMATCH | Variant argument value in INVAR aggregate function. |
eSQL_SORTCOST | Sort cost factor must be > 0.0 and < 1.0. |
eSQL_CACHESIZE | Cache size setting must be >= 100. |
eSQL_DEBUGMODE | Valid debug mode values are 0,1,2,3. |
eSQL_BADSCALE | Invalid DECIMAL scale. Must be >= 0 and <= prec. |
eSQL_TOOMANYROWS | Subquery returns more than 1 row. |
eSQL_AMBIGUOUSCOLREF | Column with this name declared in more than one of the referenced tables. |
eSQL_NOHIDDENCOLS | Hidden columns not allowed in this context. |
eSQL_ROWNUMBER | ROWNUMBER() can only be used with a SELECT statement. |
eSQL_LABELMISMATCH | END label missing or doesn't match block label. |
eSQL_UNDECLAREDVARREF | Reference to undeclared variable. |
eSQL_NOAGGINASGT | Aggregate functions not allowed in assignment statement. |
eSQL_PROCGLOBALREF | Stored procedure references an undeclared global variable. |
eSQL_NOVALGLOBAL | No value assigned to the global variable. |
eSQL_INARGASGT | Assignment to input only argument or condition. |
eSQL_OUTARGCALL | Output argument must map to a variable. |
eSQL_NOOERRCODE | Sqlstate/error/condition code not defined. |
eSQL_CASENOTFOUND | Case not found for CASE statement. |
eSQL_OUTARGS | INOUT/OUT arguments are not allowed in functions. |
eSQL_INVRETURN | RETURN statements are not allowed in procedures. |
eSQL_RESULTSET | Cursors/SELECTs that return result sets are not allowed in handlers, functions or triggers. |
eSQL_RETURNTYPE | Data type of RETURN expression is not compatible with function. |
eSQL_ALIASEDCOLSREQD | All result column expressions must be aliased in DECLARE CURSOR's SELECT. |
eSQL_CURNOTDECLARED | Cursor not declared. |
eSQL_USEINPROCONLY | FOUND test can only be used in stored procedure/function. |
eSQL_FETCHVARS | FETCH INTO variable list cursor column count mismatch. |
eSQL_FETCHVARDATATYPE | FETCH INTO variable data type incompatible with corresponding result column type. |
eSQL_NORESULTSETS | WITH RETURN cursor not allowed with this procedure (DYNAMIC RESULT SETS = 0). |
eSQL_DUPVARREF | Variable is already declared. |
eSQL_NOTROWVAR | Identifier is not a declared row variable or BEGIN label. |
eSQL_ROWVARREF | Illegal row variable reference. |
eSQL_GLOBALVARREF | Illegal global variable reference. |
eSQL_NOTROWVARCOL | Identifier is not a column of the specified row variable. |
eSQL_NOTBLOCKVAR | Identifier is not declared in specified block. |
eSQL_TOOMANYROWVARS | Only one row variable can be declared for a cursor. |
eSQL_WRONGROWVAR | Row variable is not declared for this cursor. |
eSQL_LABELNOTFOUND | Statement with specified label not found. |
eSQL_FORCURSOR | Statement not allowed on FOR cursor name. |
eSQL_ARGREF | Procedure/function argument not found. |
eSQL_BADARGFORM | Invalid procedure/function argument specification. |
eSQL_PREPVAROUT | PREPARE statement variable cannot be an OUT variable. |
eSQL_PREPVARROW | PREPARE statement variable cannot be a ROW variable. |
eSQL_PREPVARTYPE | PREPARE statement variable must be a CHAR type. |
eSQL_BADINTOVARTYPE | EXECUTE INTO variable type is not assignable. |
eSQL_DUPPREPNAME | Duplicate PREPARE statement name. |
eSQL_PREPNOTFOUND | PREPARE statement not found. |
eSQL_PREPNOPARAMS | Parameter markers are not allowed in PREPARE statement. |
eSQL_EXECNEEDSINTO | EXECUTE must have INTO clause for a PREPARE of SELECT statement. |
eSQL_PREPUNALLOWABLE | Statement type not allowed in PREPARE. |
eSQL_PREPNOCOLS | PREPARE SELECT number of result columns does not match EXECUTE INTO. |
eSQL_NOTCONDITION | Referenced variable is not a named condition. |
eSQL_GENEXCEPTION | Cannot mix general and specific conditions in one handler. |
eSQL_DUPCONDITION | Duplicate condition spec'd in same handler or other handler in same scope. |
eSQL_UNDONOTATOMIC | BEGIN must specify ATOMIC within an UNDO handler. |
eSQL_HANDLERNOTFOUND | Handler not found for condition. |
eSQL_RESIGNAL | Resignal when handler not active. |
eSQL_INVDIAGITEM | Invalid diagnostics item info name. |
eSQL_NODIAGSINFO | No diagnostics info is available. |
eSQL_INVCONDNUM | Invalid condition number. |
eSQL_MAXDIAGSAREA | Maximum number of stacked diagnostics areas exceeded. |
eSQL_DIAGNOTSTACKED | Stacked diagnostics accessed without active handler. |
eSQL_PROCEXISTS | Another stored procedure/function with same name has been created. |
eSQL_TRMODE | Transaction mode can be specified only once. |
eSQL_BEGINTRANS | BEGIN TRANSACTION can only be specified with first BEGIN. |
eSQL_ATOMIC | Statement cannot be used in a BEGIN ATOMIC/TRANSACTION block. |
eSQL_MODIFIES | Read only stored proc/func contains modification statements. |
eSQL_SYSCAT | Invalid operation on SYSTEM CATALOG. |
eSQL_SQLSTATESIGNAL | Unhandled signaled SQLSTATE condition. |
eSQL_NOTDETERMINISTIC | Simple CASE expression cannot call a non-deterministic function. |
eSQL_LEAVEHANDLER | LEAVE to a block outside of a condition handler is not allowed. |
eSQL_ASGTEXPRCOUNT | Number of variables in multiple SET assignment does not match number of expressions. |
eSQL_DUPLICATELABEL | Duplicate block or loop label. |
eSQL_CALLFUNCTION | Functions cannot be called using the CALL statement. |
eSQL_TRIGDBMISMATCH | Table's database name does not match trigger's. |
eSQL_TRIGCOLLIST | Column list can only be used with UPDATE triggers. |
eSQL_BEGINATOMIC | A compound trigger action must be BEGIN ATOMIC. |
eSQL_TRIGEXISTS | Another trigger with same name has been created. |
eSQL_WHENFCN | Functions ref'd in WHEN clause cannot be MODIFIES SQL. |
eSQL_NOTINTRIGGER | Transactions cannot be used in a trigger. |
eSQL_NOTRIG | Trigger not found. |
eSQL_NOINSERTVALS | Syntax error where no columns are present after the keyword 'VALUES'. |
eSQL_DEFINSERTVALS | Syntax error where columns are present after 'DEFAULT VALUES'. |
eSQL_INVARRAYTYPE | Invalid array element value. |
eSQL_NOTARRAY | Not an array value/column/variable. |
eSQL_BADSUBSCRIPT | Subscript value is out of range. |
eSQL_INVARRAYOP | Invalid array operation. |
eSQL_RECURSIVEPROC | Recursive stored procedures and triggers are not allowed. |
eSQL_TBD | Yet to be implemented feature. |
eSQL_SYSTEM | System error. |
eMIR_SYNC_GENERROR | Generic synchronous mirroring error. |
eMIR_SYNC_TIMEOUT | Synchronous mirroring timeout. |
eMIR_INVLOGFILE | Invalid log file format. |
eRDBC_BADCTYPE | Invalid C data type. |
eRDBC_BADSTYPE | Invalid SQL data type. |
eRDBC_NOMEMORY | Driver out of memory. |
eRDBC_TYPEATTR | Data type attribute violation. |
eRDBC_NOTCAPABLE | Driver not capable. |
eRDBC_DESCRANGE | Invalid descriptor field identifier. |
eRDBC_INVDESCIDX | Invalid descriptor index. |
eRDBC_NOTCURSOR | Prepared statement is not a valid cursor. |
eRDBC_INVIRDMOD | Cannot modify an implementation row descriptor. |
eRDBC_INVOPENMODE | Invalid database open mode. |
eRDBC_NOINDVAR | Indicator variable required but not supplied. |
eRDBC_CLOSEHDBC | Connection not closed. |
eRDBC_OPENHDBCS | Must free all connection handles first. |
eRDBC_AUTODESCR | Invalid use of implicit descriptor handle. |
eRDBC_ATTRVALUE | Invalid attribute value. |
eRDBC_FCNRANGE | Function type out of range. |
eRDBC_INVOPNOW | Invalid operation at this time. |
eRDBC_BADDESCINFO | Inconsistent descriptor information. |
eRDBC_CONCATNULL | Attempt to concatenate a null value. |
eRDBC_COLRANGE | Column type out of range. |
eRDBC_SCOPERANGE | Scope out of range. |
eRDBC_NULLRANGE | Nullable type out of range. |
eRDBC_UNIQUERANGE | Uniqueness option type out of range. |
eRDBC_ACCURANGE | Accuracy option type out of range. |
eTX_DISABLED | HTTP listener is disabled. |
eTX_TRUNCATED | Data retrieved had to be truncated. |
eTX_NETREAD | Failure to read data from network. |
eTX_NETWRITE | Failure to write data to network. |
eTX_CONNECT | Failed to connect to server. |
eTX_HOSTNAME | Host name not found. |
eTX_ACCEPT | TCP/IP accept failure. |
eTX_LISTEN | TCP/IP listen failure. |
eTX_NO_REMOTE | Remote connections not allowed. |
eTX_GENERROR | Generic TX error. |
eSYS_ERRACTIVE | Error function call not allowed when another error is active. |
eSYS_DCHAIN | Bad dchain. |
eSYS_BADTREE | B-tree malformed. |
eSYS_BADHASH | Hash malformed. |
eSYS_KEYEXIST | Key value already exists. |
eSYS_BADOPTKEY | Calculating optkey index. |
eSYS_BADFREE | Attempt to free empty table. |
eSYS_ERROR | Unexpected system error. |
eSYS_NOSQLSTATE | Unexpected empty SQL state. |
eHTTP_URITOOLONG | URI too long. |
eHTTP_ENTTOOLARGE | Entity too large. |
eHTTP_NOLENGTH | No length was specified. |
eHTTP_INVHANDLE | Invalid HTTP handle. |
eHTTP_BADUSERID | Invalid user id - not alphanumeric. |
eHTTP_UNSUPPORTEDTYPE | Unsupported content type. |
eQA_ILLEGAL_TFS_COMBINATION | Illegal combination of options for different tfs types. |
eQA_TEST_TIMEOUT | Test timed out. |
eQA_ILLEGAL_FILENAME | Illegal filename. |
eQA_ILLEGAL_NAMESPACE | Illegal namespace. |
eQA_FEATURE_NOTIMPLEMENTED | Feature have not been implemented. |
eQA_ILLEGAL_USE_OF_STOP_WATCH | Illegal use of stop watch. |
eQA_HAS_FLOAT_REQUIRED | Illegal use of floating point. |
eQA_CASE_FAILED | A test case failed. |
eQA_NEED_DESCRIPTION | A description is missing for a case. |
eQA_HELP | Help text returned. |
eQA_NO_TESTS_SELECTED | No tests was selected by the command line options given. |
eQA_CASE_DESCRIBED | T test case have been described. |
eQA_LOG_BAD_READ | Reading from test log failed. |
eQA_LOG_BAD_WRITE | Writing to test log failed. |
eQA_LOG_OPEN | Opening test log failed. |
eQA_TFS_PROPERTY_CONFLICT | TFS property have not been set. |
eQA_TFS_PROPERTY_UNSET | TFS property set inconsistently. |
eQA_NO_GLOBAL_ENC | There is no global encryption support for legacy. |
eQA_FORK | Failed to fork child process. |
eQA_MMAP | Failed to create shared memory. |
eQA_KILL | The QA Framework detected termination upon a signal while running a test in a child process. |
eQA_CHILD_EXIT | A forked child is done, now we need to cleanup and exit. No summary output.. |
eQA_END_OF_LIST | Used internally to end a list of error or status codes to the QA_S macro. |
eQA_RDBC_ERROR | A placeholder for 'SQL_ERROR'. |
eQA_INVALID_ARGUMENT | Invalid command line argument. |
eQA_LONG_ARGUMENT | Command line argument is too long. |
eQA_TEST_FAILED | Some tests failed. |
eQA_MEM | Simulating memory failure had errors. |
eQA_FAIL_NOTIMPLEMENTED | Failure simulation not implemeded (compile with -DRDM_TAG_FAIL). |
eEMBED_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found by the embedder. |
eEMBED_UNKNOWN_COMMAND | Command not supported by the embedder. |
eEMBED_ILLEGAL_NAMESPACE | Illegal namespace provided to the embedder. |
eEMBED_CONTENT_MISMATCH | Content doesn't match the embedded hash for the file. |